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how do I add Webroot to another computer?

  • 23 January 2015
  • 1 reply

I need to add Webroot to another computer, my subscription allows for 3 devices.  How do I add it to another computer?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi joanbear
Welcome to the Community Forums.
The answer is simple, you download the latest version of the installer from here (for PC), here (for Best Buy PC version) or here (for Mac), on to the device you want to protect.  
Then run the installer making sure that you have your keycode to hand (that is the same one you used for the other device), insert that keycode when prompted to do so by the installer, allow the install process to finish, then REBOOT, and once they system is back you should be protected, withanother of the devices under your subscription now bing used.
If you have any issue with the above please do come back here and let us know.
Regards, Baldrick
