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I am using Chrome on a personal desktop with Windows 10. I have none of your prducts installed.
Hello @ Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. ;)

To uninstall the extension open Chrome:




Thanks for the information. Unfortunately the method you described will not work because there isn't a remove button.
Hi che


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Am not clear as to where you are looking  as when I follow Dave's instructions I get the same options as him, i.e., 'Details', 'Remove' & a slider that disables the extension. Are you seeing any of these? And if you are seeing the slider then try using it to disable the extension (equivalent to deleting it without uninstalling it).


If you can please post a screen shot of what you are seeing (you may not be able to as a new member until you have reached a certain number of posts but always worth a try) as that may well help us provide further advice.


Regards, Baldrick
How can I be more clear. The remove buttom is not there and the slider is greyed out.
Hi che my book it is always best to check...hence my questions. I did not mean to offend by apologies if I did. :(


Do you have the 'Details' button available? If so then click on that if you can, which should take you to a new panel of detailed options. If you get that far scroll to the bottom of the page. Do you have a 'Remove extention' option with a '>' on the far right hand side? If so then click it. Hopefully that pops up a small window with the options 'Remove' & 'Cancel', with the former working/available?


If that is not an option for you then I would say at this point that your only other option will be to completely uninstall Chrome, download the latest version & then reinstall it...not a major task...I do so, for various reasons, every now and then.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
I'll look when I get home but I think I have been on that page as well and that also did not work.  I really do not want to reinstall Chrome.  If you can't tell me an unintrusive way to remove your program, then I will push the problem out to Google.


Your program seems to behave like the malware it is designed to protect against.
May I ask if this computer you have, did you buy it new or from someone. The reason I ask if you bought it used the person that had it may have downloaded something that was impersonating Webroot Software. There are many out there that are trying that. Just a thought. If you don't want to reinstall Chrome I would suggest that you Contact Webroot Support and tell them what you posted here on the forum. If it's their product on your computer, they are the experts for taking it off free of charge.
@ wrote:

I'll look when I get home but I think I have been on that page as well and that also did not work.  I really do not want to reinstall Chrome.  If you can't tell me an unintrusive way to remove your program, then I will push the problem out to Google.


Your program seems to behave like the malware it is designed to protect against.

Hi che


What is really strange is what you say re. never having had any Webroot products installed on your system and yet you appear to have the Webroot Extension which can only be installed by installing WRSA (Webroot SecureAnywhere) or by manually downloading & installing from the Google Store.


So how you have ended up with it is a possibly pivotal question, and therefore Dave's question on the provenance of your system is important.


But ultimately a call to Webroot, as Dave has suggested, is most likely the most expedient approach to making sure that you get rid of what you do not want.


Regards, Baldrick

I bought it new and Best Buy even ordered it because it was not one they display in their stores.


When I click details I get a page for a slider which is labeled "on". That slider is greyed out.
I don't know what Webroot is.  Do you have a "free" antivirus?  Do you have situations where your software is installed by some other software like Mcafee tries to do with Adobe Flash?
Hi che


I think that given that you bought from Best Buy, it is most likely that they will have pre-installed Webroot SecureAnywhere, together with a 6 month 'free' license. So you most likely have it installed but you not knowing it.


Do you see the following in the notification tray?

If you are seeing the green icon with a 'W' then you have WRSA installed.


Please check and come back to use with the result.


Regards, Baldrick
