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I purchased a package online 1 week ago. Have had problems from the get go. Opened a ticket almost immediately. No response whatsoever. Continued to ask questions in the same open ticket. Have asked 6 times. Yet ZERO response. Funnily enough, yesterday, received what looks like an automatic generated email asking me to review my recent purchase. 

Totally unsatisfactory and wish to get a complete refund as the the service is not only pathetic but the security package for 5 devices is only downloading to my computer as the mobile app is not even available in the country where I live. 

How to get a refund when the questions I’m asking are not even being answered? Consumer affairs? 

A very disgruntled customer. 



Hello @WenInSing 


Please send an email to Webroot Sales!

Purchases, renewals, and upgrades

Mon - Fri 7 AM to 7 PM (MDT)

Tel: 1-866-350-6089





We can absolutely get you a refund by following that post from @TripleHelix 


Also I looked at your ticket and read the notes. Please note that every time you send a message it resets the ticket to the end of the queue. Even still it is odd that no one reached out within 24 hours and your ticket was in the right queue. I am sorry that you had issues and our support was unresponsive. I will escalate the ticket for you. We would be more than happy to fix any issues you are having if you would like to keep the our software

Thanks for your response as well as that of @TripleHelix . I received a short email yesterday with an invoice indicating a customer refund. 


I thought maybe it was the time difference that was the reason for the delay but after 1 week and no response, that thought dwindled away.


Am grateful for both of your responses but I am sorry to say I will be looking elsewhere for software.



What a stupid way to manage a support ticketing system tied to an email address.  Surely a better way is to have ticket numbers assigned to issues and customer updates are appended. 

Come to think of recent support tickets that I have raised, there have been no emails informing me of the ticket numbers which is astounding to say the least.

I am facing the same problem ehat Mr WenInSing faced in May 2022.

And, this is not about new product or refund. I am Webroot customer for the last 8 years.

I am asking about renewal of my product with data backup since there is some confusion about their offerings with Carbonite.

No response since 29 June. I raised the issue on twitter too. Their reply to twitter is just a bot like.

I don't really want to leave Webroot. I trust it after long usage without issues whatsoever. Don't normally need to approach them.

This is once in a year query to them at renewal time because of their shifting alliances.

Don't know how to handle it if I have to stay.

My messages on support portal are waiting to be replied by Webroot. 
