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I was told that Webroot does not conflict with Norton untilities which comes with Comcast.  Norton wanted to remove it.


Also, Webroot knocked out the elf file in my Aviator.


Hi Jim


Welcome to the Community Forums.


WSA does not conflict with Norton or the vast majority of major security apps for that matter...but some other security apps do not like the idea of WSA being on our system so they insist that WSA is uninstalled (KIS is the same as a matter of fact).  All you have to do if yo do want both on the same machine is to install Norton first and then install WSA.


In terms of "the elf file in my Aviator" I have not seen that and I run both Aviator & WSA together quite in this case I would advise that you reinstall Aviator and see if that happens again/cures the issue.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
