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Ok, I will say it before anyone else gets a chance to even think it "What a dummy". 

tonight has not been my night for computer smarts.  My default printer was still set as the printer at my mom's.  So none of my confirmations were printed out.  And my IE had to recover the web page (which it did not bring me to the download page.  As it stands I do not have an order number, a code, or the download.

What should I do!  Big question and I will be so appreciative if someone has an answer for me.  While I am waiting I will check my e-mail to at least hopefully get my code.



*Java Script removed by admin. Doesn't appear to relate to the question at hand*
Hi Lainie,


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


Are you still having the issue? You should have received the keycode and download instructions in your email. Let me know if you got them!


