Right, I sign in and go to the passwords. The page loads except that the top 20% is shielded by the opaque grey that does not allow me to access the passwords grayed out.
Also, I am a bit upset that when I went to a web site and downloaded "Reimage" Webroot did not warn me about the site or the product.
Ended up doing a factory default restore.
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It looks like your permissions are set up properly. For any program that is malicious and not caught by SecureAnywhere, we will want to Open a Support Ticket and collect logs so that we can blacklist the file. And if the file is found to be malicious, our rollback and remediation will still protect the user (when a reset to a stock image is not performed). If it was a system restore, you can Revert the System Restore and we can collect logs through the support system and get the program in question blacklisted, if indeed it is malicious.
"Missing" a Virus w/SecureAnywhere
"Missing" a Virus w/SecureAnywhere
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