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Same computer mentioned three times in web console

  • 24 November 2012
  • 23 replies

I bought Webroot Internet Security Plus 2013, and installed it on my laptop (Windows 8 upgraded from Windows 7) and desktop (Windows 7). However, when looking at the web console, I'm noticing that the laptop is mentioned three times in the list of protected computers, taking up three spots out of the available five computers.  Why is this? One of the instances has a last scan date of today (11/23), so I assume that that is the current one. The other two have last scan dates of 11/18 and 11/14. I installed the software on November 14, and nothing has changed to the laptop since then.

Can I simply deactivate the laptops associated with the last scan dates of 11/14 and 11/18, or will that also deactivate the 'real' laptop, since they're all the same computer?




Hello Ron and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


That is a great question and I don't have an answer for you as I have not come across this issue myself if you can wait till Monday a Webroot Staff member will be able to help you there is a possibility that https:///t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1016will be online sometime on Sunday and if your not able to wait you can Submit a Support Ticket and the support inbox will be happy to help you 24/7.




I had this problem as well.  Be careful about deactivating what you think are the older ones as on mine it uninstalled the client on my PC even though I left the one with the latest scan date.  I ended up deactivating all the entries for that PC and reinstalling the client.  However then it would not reappear in the console and I had to get support to fix it.
@ wrote:

Can I simply deactivate the laptops associated with the last scan dates of 11/14 and 11/18, or will that also deactivate the 'real' laptop, since they're all the same computer?


Hello dutchinseattle, Welcome to the Webroot Communuty Forum. :D


I would do as TripleHelix suggested, wait for MikeR to come online Sunday or put in a Support Ticket. I would not deactivate anything until you hear from a Webroot Employee. If you deactivate the wrong one you may lose security on your computer.




We have just got our computer back from repairs and I reinstalled the software on the PC and It's now showing as having 2 PCs registered instead of just the one.


I'll be following the thread with interest.


However now webroot is reinstalled I feel that I let let Hubby and the kids use the internet without me feeling nervous.


Thanks for the post,


Hello Magrat, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D


Magrat wrote: However now webroot is reinstalled I feel that I let let Hubby and the kids use the internet without me feeling nervous.

It's nice to feel safe. 😉
Hello Magrat and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


Hey dutchinseattle,


Just to be safe, you can Send me a Private Message with the computer names you wish to keep and I can deactivate the others.



That's exactly the problem: I don't know which one can be removed. There are three entries all referring to the exact same laptop, with the same name, but with different last scan dates: 11/14, 11/18, and 11/25. I assume that the one with the latest scan date is the actual computer that should be retained, but I'm not sure.


I see 3 entries of LAP***-D*7* and I have deactivated the oldest entry that was last seen on November 18th. Please let me know if this has affected you in any way. The next step would be to deactivate the next entry which was last seen on November 22nd and to leave the most recent entry that was seen earlier today.
This does not seem to have affected the protection status of my laptop. The entry with last scan date of 11/14 would be the most logical one to remove now.

I have deactivated the two oldest entries and 2 separate computers remain.
After you removed the second computer, so there was only one left, Webroot was uninstalled on my computer. (It took a while for me to notice that the Webroot icon in the system tray was gone.) I deactivated my laptop, so only the desktop was left. I then reinstalled Webroot on my laptop. Everything seems to be running just fine now, also after several restarts, but my laptop does not show up in the list of protected computers at all now.

MikeR will be able to correct it for you tomorrow ;)


Mike isn't here at the moment, but I can take care of this. Your laptop has now been reactivated in the console.
This issue is back. I'm seeing three instances of my desktop computer now. Two say I'm running software version with no latest scan info, and one says with today as the last scan. Only the one with is current , the other two are obsolete and can be removed. Could an admin have a look at this and remove these two old instances?




We've got you covered Ron. I took care of it for you. 🙂
Sorry for digging up an old topic. I just wanted to know if you have any working solutions for that problem. I noticed that it appeared in our company and also several our clients reported it to us. Anything we can do here? Or should it be always escalated to Ticket Support?
I would search for the latest scan among the three consoles and this one retain, the remaining two can be disabled.


Worth to try but cannot promise it will work.
Ok so Support Ticket is the best I guess. We can experiment on our machines but won't be suggesting to our clients a solution which is not 100% safe:)
Sure! I know that this has been stated here on community as a solution (sorry I cannot recall more details now) but I didn't try it myself (I don't have such issue).
I would make sure that each computer is set to a unique name, that way duplicates in the Console are usually simply the result of a reinstall. Checking the scan dates let's you know which listing is the current correct one.

But... if multiple computers are set up with the same name that makes it a lot harder
The duplication in the console was due to a hardware change on the computer. We generate a unique identifier for a computer to keep duplicates from appearing, and when certain hardware gets swapped out, that identifier can change, thus causing the console to read it as a new device. If the HD or OS SID is going to change, we recommend deactivating the computer from the console first.
Thanks everyone for feedback. Thanks JimM for explaining that. It's always worth to know what's the source of the problem.
