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I have set WR firewall to block  any untrusted program and I have finally come across one! Can I send this file and know when it will be checked and hopefully deemed safe?
Hi garlicwebroot!


Yes, you can. Please click here to open a support ticket.


Hi georgeh


Can I ask why this method is preferrable to using the "Submit a File" functionality available in WSA under System Tools?  I thought that this was the point of this feature, even though I appreciate that there is a 'warning' when using it that a web ticker might be a faster option?


If that is indeed the case then why not save space in the .exe and remove this functionality?


Just curious. :D





That question was touched on in this thread as well.  Part of it is that there is a 10mb cap on the file size.  Another part of it is the immediacy in which a response is generated.  If you put in a ticket, our support department will investigate and reply straightaway.  If you submit the file, those requests are handled differently and you will not receive a response.  GarlicWebroot probably wants a response, so it's best to go through the ticket system in that case.
Hi Jim


Thanks for clarifying the difference in methods/options.  Given what you say and that most probably most users will want a response to something there any point in having the option in WSA until it is given more focus?  Certainly the ability submit something for review from within the applciation concerned is, in my eyes, a benefit...but perhaps I am alone in this view.


Anyway, thanks for clarifying. I am the wiser. ;)


I will do that. However, upon visiting the ticket system I do not see any way to submit a file. I assume you want us to submit the URL to the file instead?
Once you communicate the need to send a file to the agent who has your ticket, the agent will provide you with a way to do that. You can do it either by means of something like DropBox, YouSendIt, MediaFire, etc, or we have a utility that we can send you which will collect the file and send it back to us.


Baldrick, I'm inclined to think most users probably want a response as well, but not necessarily all of them request one.  Some people just want to submit samples to be helpful and aren't necessarily curious about the details of what we determine concerning the submission.  Other times it's perhaps a software developer who knows the code he just wrote hasn't hit our system yet, and he wants a way to give it to us for analysis but doesn't need us to tell him essentially "ok, thanks, we determined the file" via email or the ticket system every time he submits a new file.  So it serves a purpose, but yes, generally for most people creating a support ticket is the way to go.
Hi Jim


Understand what you are saying and as you put it that way then I can see what you are saying.  It would be great though if the send via the WSA GUI was treated with the same or similar alacrity as via the support ticket route, especially given the options such as "It is an infection", etc. that are available.  After all if you believe that you have an infection that you reported then you would hope that some one at Webroot would wade in to help (priorities and numbers already waiting already allowing) on receive of such a transmission. ;)







PS. Don't get me wrong.  I have had a great experience with Webroot Support...and am a fan.
