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Potential Bug in 'Trusted WiFi Networks Management'

  • 1 November 2018
  • 7 replies

I notice that if my WiFi is turned off in Windows, and I go to the WiFi App's Settings > Connections > 'Enable Trusted WiFi Networks Management', that it closes the program down without any warning when I click the '+' Sign to add a trusted SSID. It obviously causes an error because the WiFi is disabled and it's not able to list the available SSID's. When I enable my WiFi again, it then works as expected after restarting the WiFi app. It probably needs some sort of feedback control that notifies you to turn on WiFi and then try again?


For Reference:

O/S: Windows 10 Enterprise (1803)


PS. I realise this is a consumer product and I have it installed on a business Laptop which I use for both purposes, but I think the nature of this issue would probably affect other users as well. 



Great spot @ - I have passed this to our QA team who have been able to replicate the issue and a defect is being raised.


Thank you for using WiFi Security.
I can confirm this, as well. If WiFi is turned off in Windows settings, then the app crashes when attempting to add an SSID to Trusted WiFi Network. However, if the WiFi adapter itself is turned off (disabled) then the app doesn't crash, it just doesn't list any available WiFi networks to add.

Good catch, remote-it. You should get the 'Bug Finder' badge for that one. 😉
I have to confess I didn't know that badge exists (I work in engineering not on the Community team). I'll make it happen though as it is richly deserved.
@ wrote:

I have to confess I didn't know that badge exists (I work in engineering not on the Community team). I'll make it happen though as it is richly deserved.

@ wrote:

I have to confess I didn't know that badge exists (I work in engineering not on the Community team). I'll make it happen though as it is richly deserved.

Yeppers! Recieved it myself, a couple of years back. ;)


The badge has now been awarded.
Thanks Guys (@@ & @).


Talk about bugs and badges, here's a tiny little bug that is in my Profile. I updated something in my 'Personal Information' a little while ago, but did not bother to check my location. I then received the 'US' badge. So I went back and checked my location, and saw it was set to 'United States'. I changed it to Australia, and then I received the Australia Badge. Now I have a US and Australia Badge! Off course I don't mind that, but it might give the wrong impression. Could this be fixed that when you change or update your location, it updates the 'Location' Badge as well? You know, somene could have a lot of fun with this, if you know what I mean... ; )
