Webroot® Security Awareness Training
What’s being released?
- New Learner Portal experience. There’s a new design for the training campaign landing page. This streamlines administration of phishing simulations and provides the learner with an improved responsive experience in preparation for the upcoming multi-course training campaigns release.
- New recommended category for email phishing templates. A curated selection of email templates is presented by default in the new Recommended category during the configuration of phishing simulation campaigns. As part of this improvement, the category UX has been improved.

Carbonite® Recover
What’s being released?
- Subscription admin does not get the restart option
- Fix recover installer to allow for major upgrades
- Updated the worker connection logic
- Improved cloud provider repository per subscription
- Remove MongoDb from recover code
- Removing server fails with error concerning missing key
- Remote Console view for Servers no longer functions in recover
- Dashboard section of Recover UI doesn't update to reference selected subscriptions.
CSB Portal 9.00.0350arbonite® Recover
What’s being released?
- Backup Verification for VMware vSphere VMs
- Reports page in all portal instances
- Localization
- Security Improvements
CSB Portal 9.00.0350
What’s being released?
- EVault Reports are now supported on recent Windows Server versions with recent SQL Server versions
- Reports must be viewed in Portal – users can no longer view reports in a separate Reports Viewer

Web Threat Shield Portal 2.0.22039.1
What’s being released?
- Updated UI control for “Request Review” option to provide greater visibility
- Updated logo and bitmaps to match those in the extensions
- Extend Google Counters to distinguish between consumer and business events
- New features required in advance of Extension 2.0.22.xxx release