• 14 October 2015
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  • Retired Webrooter
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Scheduled Reporting functionality comes to the GSM management console and now provides the rich and detailed reporting so key to understanding the true health and performance of multiple locations and sites(s). With these new highly granular reporting tools at Administrators’ disposal they can now report more of the information needed and provide a clearer understanding of the endpoints under management. Also as part of this release Windows 10 becomes a searchable OS. 
NEW – Scheduled Reporting – Scheduled, customized, granular endpoint reporting may now be run at recurring time periods, or ad-hoc, with the content tailored to the recipient(s) requirements. Internally this means you’ll have greater visibility over your deployment(s) and that both you and your (internal and external) customers will never miss the information important to them.
NEW – Windows 10 OS is now a searchable OS within Group Management giving better visibility of any Windows 10 endpoints deployed. 
1.   Scheduled Reporting
This is the new Scheduled Reporting start screen:

Fig 1 - Scheduled Reports Overview
1.1     Create Report Templates

Scheduled Reporting uses a customized template approach. You can start with the Default Report templates provided that are easily copied and modified, or create your own Templates. Either way, you easily add or remove reporting pages, and select the data and time period(s) you wish to include in your report(s).

Fig 2 - Create Report Template
Name - Lets you name the template for easy differentiation from other templates, e.g., “LA Managed by Policy Template”
Title Page Text - Lets you customize the text that will appear on the cover of the PDF Report “Policy and Status – LA Sites”
Page - The Create Template area is where the Administrator defines how many pages should be included, which data fields should appear on each page, and the page ordering.
Each row “Page” table allows you to select which data field should appear, which chart type should be used to display the data and the applicable time period that should be used. The Administrator may also add or delete as many pages as they wish using the ‘Add’ and ‘Delete Page’ buttons and re-order the pages as necessary by dragging the rows up and down.
The Create a Template data point report options are listed here:
Data (Point) Field
Chart Types Available
Time Period(s)

Agent Version Spread
Bar, Column, Pie

Attention Required
Bar, Column, Pie

Device Activations
Area, Area Spline, Bar, Column, Line, Spline
24h, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days,
30 days, 60 days, 90 days

Device Type
Bar, Column, Pie

Endpoint Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Expired Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Firewall Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Identity Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Infrared Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Installation Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Managed by Policy
Bar, Column, Pie

Offline Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Operating System Firewall Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Operating System Language
Bar, Column, Pie

Operating System Platform
Bar, Column, Pie

Phishing Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Primary Browser
Bar, Column, Pie

Real-time Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Remediation Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Report Summary
Bar, Column, Pie
See below

Rootkit Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Scheduled Scans Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Silent Mode
Bar, Column, Pie

Threat detection History
Area, Area Spline, Bar, Column, Line, Spline
24h, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days,
30 days, 60 days, 90 days

USB Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Virtual Machine
Bar, Column, Pie

Web Threat Shield Status
Bar, Column, Pie

Report Summary listed above is able to provide a number of overall counts that effectively summarize site and deployment information. These summaries include:
  • Number of active devices
  • Number of available seats
  • Endpoints currently needing attention
  • Endpoints which encountered threats (Last ‘n’ days)
  • Total Threats seen (Last ‘n’ days)
  • Number of Endpoints Seen (Last ‘n’ days)
  • Number of Endpoints Not Seen (Last ‘n’ days)
  • Number of Endpoints Seen (All Time)
For reporting that collates data from multiple sites into one report, the report summary will also include:
  • Total Number of Sites
  • Active sites
  • Trial Sites
  • Suspended sites
  • Deactivated sites
  • Expired sites
  • Sites expiring in the next 14 days
  • Sites with endpoints needing attention
1.2     Create Reports

After creating the template the Create Report area provides an intuitive way of building, scheduling, distributing and localizing your report(s) as it breaks the tasks down into logical steps and uses drop down selection of the reporting criteria.

Fig 3 - Create Report Builder
Report Name - Let’s the Administrator create a name to identify and differentiate each report, e.g., “Weekly Summary Report”
Delivery Schedule - Creates a schedule at which to run the report so it is able to be distributed in a timely fashion. The run report schedule options are:
  • Daily, specifying a time.
  • Weekly, specifying a day and time.
  • Monthly, specifying a date and time.
Please note: The time selected for the schedule is in UTC, and will not necessarily reflect the report owner’s time zone.
Creation Method - Creates reports to deliver the information to targeted recipients either as an aggregate of selected sites from your deployment, or on an individual site basis. The options are:
  • Create one report for each selected site.
  • Create one report containing combined data from all selected sites.
Recipients - Set up a list of regular site recipients, or add specific email addresses to deliver reports to.  The options are:
  • Mail to the Report Distribution List of each site.
  • Mail to Static Email Addresses provided manually, or
  • Mail to both of the options above.
Please Note: “Report Distribution List” is a new field which can be modified by selecting to “edit site” against each site on the sites page. All existing sites have been pre-populated with the emails of all admins already present on that site.
Sites - The sites to be included in the report.
Templates - The data template(s) to be included in the report
Languages - The languages for the reports to be created in.  Any default text, such as graph axes and chart titles will be provided in the selected language.  If multiple languages are selected, then one report per language will be created. The options are:
  • German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional) and Turkish.
Note: With customizable data, scheduling, recipients and languages the new Scheduled Reporting capabilities within the management console gives Administrators the flexibility needed to keep all stakeholders fully informed.
1.3     Editing Existing Reports

Editing an existing report is a fast way to save time and effort when creating a new report or adjusting an existing one.

Fig 4 – Editing an Existing Report
Copy - Copying a report is a quick way to create a new report from a similar existing report.  Simply select the report to be copied, select “Copy”, and rename the new report.  This will cause the new report name to immediately appear in your report list.
Delete - The delete option is available for all reports, and will delete this ‘Weekly Summary Report’ completely.
Suspend/Resume - The suspend option prevents a report from executing on its set schedule without the need to delete it. The schedule may then be resumed at any time. The resume option then becomes available when you select any suspended report from the report list, and will restart the PDF Report creation according to the pre-defined schedule.
1.4     Run Report Now

At any time you can access a report outside of the set schedule by using the “Run Report Now”. This option provides instant reporting coupled to the ability to apply one-off overrides to the report creation method and its distribution list. Clicking on the ‘Run Report Now’ button will bring up the following reporting criterial:

Fig 5 – Run Report Now
With ‘Run Report Now’ you can change the report to provide aggregate information across sites, or report on individual sites and then also customise the recipients – all without causing any permanent changes to the current scheduling. Alternatively, just run the report as is, just as it would have been run when scheduled.
1.5     Report History
This makes it easy to access a historical record of all the reports run over the last 90 days, including the when requested date, recipient summary, and ability to download exactly what was sent as part of the schedule.

Requesting a download will allow you to select from the templates, sites and languages which were included in the original report creation criteria so you can see exactly what was sent to the stakeholders on the distribution list.

Fig 6 – Report History
Note: Reports are available in PDF format only. Reports are available through Report History for download for a period of 90 days. However, and links provided in emails to download these reports are ONLY VALID for 48 hours.
  1. Windows 10 OS Searches
Windows 10 becomes a searchable OS in endpoint protection > Group Management > Search

Fig 7 –Windows 10 OS Search
  1. Additional Changes
There has been a minor update to the “Create an account” page messaging that now contains details on the benefits of creating an account.

Fig 8 – Why Create a Webroot Account Inform

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