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I got an email from paypal saying I submitted an order to Webroot for automatic renewal, but I haven't gotten an email from webroot saying I've been renewed or sent a new key code. Am I rewnewed or not? When I click on webroot on my computer it says I only have 6 days left. When the time comes, is it going to renew without me having to do anything or am I supposed to get an email with instructions? I'm pretty confused about whats supposed to be going on, so if anyone could explain what's happening I'd be grateful. Thanks! 
Hi botfuri


Welcome to the Community Forums.


May I start by asking if your purchase, and therefore your renewal, is for the Best Buy/Geek Squad version of the WSA or the standard version? This is quite important in terms of working out what may be happening.


From what yo uare saying I would take an educated guess that you are running the Best Buy/Geek Squad version because that only renews actually on the expiry date whether you have purchased the renewal 1, 2, 10 or 100 days before renewal is due. IN the case of the standard version the renewal will be applied to your exisiting subscription balance and so yo would see 365 + 10 = 375 days, if you renewed for a year with 10 days to go to expiry.


If you would let us know where your purchase and renewal was from we can look to confirm what should be happening.


Regards, Baldrick 
I've had webroot for years, I believe I bought it through the internet. Best Buy is definitely not involved. I used to renew manually each year, but I guess last year I must have gotten opted into an automatical renewal thing. I just got an email today saying that my automatic renewal failed. I was still charged for it, so what do I do now? 


EDIT to add more info:


Just wanted to add that the email I got saying that my renewal failed says my webroot will expire on 12/27. Also that usually in years prior I would renew when I got the first emails reminding about my subscription expiring, those "renew now and save $10" emails. This year I just was too busy to use that offer so I let it get to the point where I was automatically charged rather than doing it myself. 
Hello botfuri,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Since Baldrick is offline then maybe I can suggest that you Submit a Support Ticket to Webroot inquiring about this failed renewal and that you were charged.They can certainly get this straightened out.


Support Number: 1-866-612-4227

Mon-Fri 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM (MST)

Sat-Sun 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM (MST)


Support Ticket:


Maybe ? can check this out for you from the back office?



 Hope this helps somewhat?

Yeah I don't see the new subscription on your account, so it must not have gone through. I'd second what Sherry suggests and call in and we can get it sorted out. I've added on an extra month to your subscription so that you have time to get everything straightened out, and as an apology for the hassle.
Sounds great and Thank you ?...appreciate that! 😉
Hi botfuri


Might be a silly on my part but have you checked with your bank or credit card provider to make sure that the payment has been taken? It has happened in the past that the 'weak link' was the online banking side of things?


Just a thought.


Regards, Baldrick
Hello everyone, sorry for not replying sooner. I filed a support ticket online, but I haven't gotten a response to it yet (I submitted it christmas eve so that is probably why.) I do see the month of extra time, so thank you for that. I was charged through paypal, not directly to a card,and I just checked my balance and it looks like my payment was canceled and the funds were put back into my paypal wallet. So I will now try to renew manually. 
Hi botfuri


Thanks for letting us know...some times it is the simple things that one does not bother to check that are the root cause of the problem.


Hopefully renewing manually will get you sorted but as you say you have circa 30 days to make sure that all is correctly done.


Regards, Baldrick
