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renewalc onfusion

  • 5 May 2014
  • 1 reply

The renweal process is confusing.  I have 9 days left on my existing subscription, so Ipurcased ar enewal license.  Its a different licens soit  appears my protection will not automatically extend and I must upfdte my licenses on each computer.  Is this correct?  IS there a way to link the two licenses so my current subscription just extends at the end of it's period?



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi sauerjc
Welcome to the Community Forums...;)
You have two can either ask Support to transfer between the two licenses or, which I prefer, ask them to transfer the days subscription from the new to the old license so in this case you would have 1 year + 9 days left on the current license.  To do this you should Open a Support Ticket asking them to do this and provide the Support Team with your current license, new license and an email address...and they should be able to do the business for you.
Hope that helps?
