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Hello everyone.


   This is my first time posting. The problem that I have is when I shutdown Webroot and restart it I get the error message "Windows did not trust this program because its identity can't be verified". I am guessing it is a virus of some sort. I did see, only once, when shutting down the screen turned black and had a little square in the center of the screen with a munchie face in it. Not sure what it is called. There was some writing below it, but image went off before I could read what it said and then the normal shutdown screen came up.

    I am running windows 7. This started about a month ago. 


    I have been playing an online game for several years now. When the game did one of its updates several month ago Webroot blocked it. Even when I gave permission to run the update and game. I put in a ticket to WSA tech support and they created a whitepaper that fixed the problem. Due to the recent amount of game updates webroot has been blocking them also.So for the time being I shutdown the AV and login to the game and then start the AV back up before entering the game.


I hope I did not make this to confusing. 

Thank you for any help.

Hello NormR and welcome to the Webroot Community!


I believe I understand you, not confusing at all really 🙂  In the past, following an update to the game you play, Webroot did not recognize one of the updated files and blocked it.  Contacting Webroot then resulted in the file being whitelisted.


This does happen sometimes, particularly to programs that are updated often.  The updated files are, once again, possibly marked as suspect.  Please submit a Trouble Ticket so that Webroot Support can take another look and get things whitelisted for you again!


    Thank you David for the fast reply.

Whitelisted was the word I could not remember. I will copy my post and send with trouble ticket.


Again thank you very much.
