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Catalina Incompatibility - Webroot Shame on You

  1. Come clean with ALL Mac User’s about the problems – that includes proactively notifying ALL Mac users.  Why? unless you look under the hood or worse like me get infected with Malware – your website shows all is good and I’m protected – when I’m not
  2. Treat Best Buy customers as REAL customers – many of us buy lots of computers with your software.  Best Buy customers are NOT lessor includeds
  3. Do Not treat us as Beta Testers.  Before you propose a fix on your Tech Support Community – make sure it works
  4. Waiting an hour to talk with Tech Support is wrong.  I know demand for tech support is surging, but if you can’t find and train more Technicians fire your VP of HR.  Then call a professional in virtual hiring and training – you could have people showing up in days and trained in a week.

Why is this important?  Many of us provide critical support to the Nation (yes even on a Mac) and getting infected with Malware (when we thought we were protected) means a mission failure for the customer.  You chose to be in this critical line of business and that means you signed up to do this so RIGHT over and over that you can’t get it wrong.  Time to step up.

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  • April 30, 2020

Totally agreed.

I too spent over an hour waiting on the phone for support. The final answer was disconnect all external drives before a scan, as the exclude feature does NOT work. We need to be told what actually does work and what does not. Was told by support that a communication to all customers regarding Catalina support was going out soon. This was 3 weeks ago. I’ve seen nothing and all the collateral from Sales / Marketing still says that Catalina is supported. The support person said, “Well, Catalina is new...” - I responded that Webroot has had developer access for well over a year. It appears to me that nobody at Webroot knows how to fix what is wrong.

I was so mad, that I ended my call by asking if the support person knew of a good antivirus solution that worked on the Mac - since it is NOT Webroot.

Really too bad as I am a long-time customer and have been happy / satisfied with Webroot

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 129 replies
  • May 5, 2020


We appreciate your feedback and hope you continue to feel free to provide it. I can understand your frustration and we are working to fix the mac issues you have been experiencing.  These things might be helpful:

  • For resolving the issue updating to our latest version please refer here.
  • We have recently posted uninstall instructions for macOS Catalina here
  • We publish release notes here - if you're curious about what's coming in terms of releases and what they are addressing, you can subscribe to this by clicking on the Subscribe button at the top right portion of the page. 

Best Buy is the primary support for all Webroot products purchased through them. Best Buy Support representatives have access to Webroot documentation and are capable of solving all common problems. They are kept informed about specific issues that come up. If the problem is unknown, or unsolvable by Best Buy Support, the customer is transferred to Webroot support. 




Product Manager, Webroot

  • New Voice
  • 32 replies
  • May 6, 2020
PVaddi wrote:


We appreciate your feedback and hope you continue to feel free to provide it. I can understand your frustration and we are working to fix the mac issues you have been experiencing.  These things might be helpful:

  • For resolving the issue updating to our latest version please refer here.
  • We have recently posted uninstall instructions for macOS Catalina here
  • We publish release notes here - if you're curious about what's coming in terms of releases and what they are addressing, you can subscribe to this by clicking on the Subscribe button at the top right portion of the page. 

Best Buy is the primary support for all Webroot products purchased through them. Best Buy Support representatives have access to Webroot documentation and are capable of solving all common problems. They are kept informed about specific issues that come up. If the problem is unknown, or unsolvable by Best Buy Support, the customer is transferred to Webroot support. 




Product Manager, Webroot

Pawani does the link you provided FULLY uninstall your product?  Many posts on this forum allude to users needing to call support in order for support to remote in and delete files that the uninstall tool doesn’t.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 802 replies
  • May 6, 2020

@fab138 ,

All of our tests show that this method should work to completely uninstall Webroot from catalina machines. 

  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • May 8, 2020



Thanks for trying. But, at this point, trying is not good enough. I have read almost a hundred different articles in many threads. The dialog is SAD and the end is always the same. At the rate that this is going you will NOT have this resolved before the next version of MacOS is in beta with vendors (might already be)… But, were not vendors or software developers. Then again, neither is Webroot anymore. I downloaded the “update” and all it does is restart the installed version. Hopeless. I can only HOPE that the uninstall works. Let’s review

  • Webroot software doesn’t work with Catalina
  • Update doesn’t work to new - supposedly working version
  • Contact on support page doesn’t work
  • Phone support doesn’t work - got through once after over an hour of waiting only to have the support staff tell me that “we’re working on it” and a statement about Catalina is coming
    • That was over two months ago
    • Webroot still continues to sell a product that they say is compatible

And, I realize I have posted this on both of the main threads related to this.

Update: The uninstall does not work either - I have to say in my sarcastic voice - I’m SHOCKED...

My final question as I go out the door as a long-time customer is who do I contact for a REFUND of the over HALF YEAR that I’ve paid for?

Rob Winchell

  • New Voice
  • 32 replies
  • July 24, 2020

Hi @PVaddi 

The link you provided “We have recently posted uninstall instructions for macOS Catalina “ is no longer correct.  When I pull up the about SecureAnywhere dialogue box the uninstall option is no longer there.  Please see pic below.


Please advise.

  • New Voice
  • 32 replies
  • July 24, 2020

Sorry @PVaddi 

Looks like the instructions for Catalina are still correct.  The pic above is for Moc OSX 10.14.6.


  • Moderator
  • 8901 replies
  • July 24, 2020
fab138 wrote:

Sorry @PVaddi 

Looks like the instructions for Catalina are still correct.  The pic above is for Moc OSX 10.14.6.


@fab138  shouldn’t you have this updated version installed?



  • New Voice
  • 32 replies
  • July 24, 2020

Good Question @TripleHelix .  When I check for updates Webroot secure indicates it's up to date. So I’m not sure if there is a different version being used for Catalina versus Mojave or not?

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  • July 24, 2020
fab138 wrote:

Good Question @TripleHelix .  When I check for updates Webroot secure indicates it's up to date. So I’m not sure if there is a different version being used for Catalina versus Mojave or not?

Mac Version is for Catalina only!

  • New Voice
  • 32 replies
  • July 25, 2020

@PVaddi  please respond asap.  I need to safely uninstall your product by the end of the month.


Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 46 replies
  • July 26, 2020

I’m sorry to hear of the negative experiences by the person who posted the complaint.

While I had some issues after upgrading to Catalina, I used WebRoot’s online support ticket system. I live in Canada and WebRoot support always responded within a day or two of posting my support question. About 6 months ago they even went as far as connecting to my computer to uninstall and re-install the software after I was unable to uninstall the software and upgrade to the next version. I am aware that some features are still being worked on, and that some settings turned off or fixed to run… until the issues get sorted out. Support has so far always been helpful.

From what I learned over the last few months, Apple’s Catalina was a huge update that implemented x64 bit architecture across the macOS, as well as implementing a number of major security enhancements to improve protection for us macOS users from today’s nasty threats. Because of what Apple did, many software publishers had to re-write or implement major updates to their own software. If you do any coding, you can understand the challenges involved trying to make everything work properly. If features are not working yet, it’s because WebRoot is trying to figure out how to get them to work reliably under the new security environment in Catalina.

Also, I noticed in some posts that mac users have not updated their macOS version for several years. That alone can create all sorts of problems as Apple changes/removes/adds code/features to the OS.

Many thanks to WebRoot for their efforts and hard work to get the software working under Catalina, and under the current pandemic conditions.

  • Moderator
  • 8901 replies
  • July 26, 2020

Hello @rupertsland  a fellow Canadian! Webroot is owned by a Canadian Company now:


Cheers eh!

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 46 replies
  • July 26, 2020

Thanks TripleHelix.

Yes, I see. I just checked out the opentext website. So, WebRoot is now Canadian-owned. Canada has some of the top/innovative programmers in the world. I see the connections with U. of T. and U. Waterloo.

We are also using WebRoot at work (have been for many years) and was recommended then by our IT guys based in Vancouver. We use WebRoot on all our Windows 10 PC’s and are not switching to anything else because of WebRoot’s reliability.

Cheers too, eh!
