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Detected Threats

  • 6 June 2017
  • 1 reply

Curious about the threat detected showning pathname as ?:/ instead of c:/windows/system32 for example

Best answer by JP_

Greetings @, thanks for joining our Webroot Community!
This is what's known as a generalized path; what's shown is referencing the first path we saw when detecting it for the first time.
So basically you're seeing the first file path for that file that was recorded within our back-end database. This may not always align with what your endpoint is currently showing.
I hope this helps. For more assistance or a further explanation, please feel free to send our Support Team a message.
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  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1376 replies
  • Answer
  • June 6, 2017
Greetings @, thanks for joining our Webroot Community!
This is what's known as a generalized path; what's shown is referencing the first path we saw when detecting it for the first time.
So basically you're seeing the first file path for that file that was recorded within our back-end database. This may not always align with what your endpoint is currently showing.
I hope this helps. For more assistance or a further explanation, please feel free to send our Support Team a message.