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I have exciting news to share with our Community. Webroot has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Carbonite, a leader in cloud-based data protection for businesses. We expect the deal to close within the first calendar quarter of 2019.

I believe this is great news for you as a Webroot customer and advocate.

When surveyed, SMBs and MSPs consistently name endpoint security and backup/data recovery services among their top priorities. We see great potential in bringing a coordinated solution set to market that becomes your go-to security platform. Whether you buy from Webroot or a trusted channel partner.

Likewise for consumers, the combined Webroot and Carbonite will better protect you, your family and your most sensitive data.

Carbonite shares a similar vision, solution philosophy, commitment to the customer and company culture. Both companies focus on easy-to-use and deploy, cloud-based solutions that address the complicated cybersecurity issues facing individuals and business every day. Additionally, both companies pride themselves on excellent customer care and support.

Our commitment to you and a high level of customer service during this transition will not change. In fact, you’ll continue to hear from and interact with the normal Webroot Community team alongside product and product marketing managers that listen and respond here on a regular basis.

While we must operate as independent companies until the transaction closes, after that stage we look forward to sharing many more detailed updates with you.

If you have any questions during this transition process, please comment on this post or reach out to your Community team.

Mike Potts
I would first would like to start off with a Congratulation with Webroot and Carbonite teaming together. Will it work out for the best, who knows at this point. This thread is full of speculation on both companies’ coming together. Merging company’s together sometimes have down falls and sometimes not. We must look at the bright side of this and not be so pessimistic. Last week I had one foot out the door from Webroot ready to slam the door behind me and say Good-bye for good because of other reasons. Then a few days later this post was posted about Webroot and Carbonite which made me even madder than I was before. I went off the Forum for a few days to do a lot of thinking about Webroot and now Carbonite. I find myself sometimes making bad decisions when I’m all heated up. I needed a cooling off period.

I started using Webroot in 2004 (Spy Sweeper / Window Washer) on my Windows XP computer along with another security software. Then Webroot launched their product Antivirus with Spy Sweeper. Webroot never had a Forum. They only had Support Tickets which took days to get an answer. Many people were leaving Webroot for this reason. I sent a request to Webroot that they should start a Forum. See This Request.

On October 18, 2011 I installed SecureAnywhere 30 day trial version on my computers. Webroot and Prevx teamed together to make SecureAnywhere. You can see HERE the results of SecureAnywhere on my old computer.

The growth of Webroot in the years is unbelievable. Webroot has always made wise decisions and I am hoping that this decision they made with Carbonite is for the good of both companies. I’ve been with Webroot too long to say good-bye. Their software is light and excellent IMO. I have NEVER EVER been infected while using their security software. I may have had about 1 or 2 False Positives. Please don’t bring up Security Tests, I don’t believe in them. My testing is with Wife and Family (Teenagers) that have WSA installed on their computers. There are a lot of “Happy Clickers” there.

I believe all members should give it time to see what plays out with both companies. I know I am. Webroot has never let me down on Computer Security. I believe something good will come about this with Webroot.

I think you're "seeing" what you want to see.

Funny. Honestly that's what I thought about your comment. I almost prefaced my comment with the observation each person brings their own perception when they read an article like this.

I have no idea if this move will be good or bad for Webroot. But I went to the trouble of reading the article a second time before writing my response to you, and honestly did not see what you saw in that article. However, words are just words. This agreement will be judged not by fine words but by the actions that follow this agreement in the months and years that follow.

As I have said several times, I'll wait and see.
Welcome back, Dave, and thanks for a great post!
may I suggest to just wait and see ?
Hi WR community and Team,

So I personally will have no problems with the merger as long as it doesn't affect WR from the consumer/home side. I can understand if this merger will mostly affect the business side or even just strengthen Webroot AV's protection capabilities, but I'm really concerning with how it will affect the consumer side of the application, it's interface/UI, and functionalities.

These are some questions I'd like to go over as time goes on and more information comes out. My questions are geared more towards the consumer side of Webroot's AV products.

Here are my biggest questions:

  1. Will the consumer side of the AV change? Will it still function essentially the same way just maybe with a new logo or something? There are features that I love about Webroot, espeially their scan logs. There are some nice stuff in the scan logs that are TOO VALUABLE for me to let go. Will I have to say goodbye to these features and funtionalities if a new AV will come out because of this merger?
  2. Once the merge is full, for the consumer antivirus, will we have to resintall the AV (my relatives and I have the AV on a BUNCH of computers) to something comptelely different or will it update seemleessly? Do we have to resintall to a completley different product or will it just update on its own when new patches roll out like it always has done?
  3. Some retail stores still sell discs, can those discs still be used in the future once the merger is full? Every year I have some relatives and friends who would buy licenses from a retail store (some stores have NICE sales and were timed perfectly to when they had to renew) and they were given discs every time. From what I know, the discs connect to WR servers anyway so 2016 discs still work in 2019 and install the latest version. Will this still be true once the merger is complete? There is a market that still prefers using discs (who can blame them).
Thanks in advanced Webroot Team.

We will relay these answers once we're able. It's still a bit early in the process but I do appreciate the write up!
As I user I do understand Carbonite feels the necessity to strnghten its offer with the rock solid WSA, then why not a VPN ?
Carbonite, hmm. When I needed a new online backup provider some years ago, I tried Carbonite. The software didn't work. It took something like 10 days for their so-called support to even react to my support ticket, so my free trial expired before I could get it working. I have avoided Carbonite ever since.

I've been using Crashplan for online backup for many years and have no intention to quit. They are one of the few online backup providers never to delete deleted files from the archive and not to limit the number of file versions.

I will thus have no use for your Carbonite backup services, and I wouldn’t trust them even if had. The crucial question now is if I can trust Webroot in the future as a part of a company whose backup solution I don’t trust. I hope you won't increase the AV price to include services that I don't need.

I'm no fan of bundled solutions. I prefer to pick the solution that best meets my needs in each area.

I hope your software and support quality won't descend to Carbonite's level. I'm off if it does. And maybe I’m off anyway. I don’t want to experiment with my security.
So far, two people posting here have been or are Carbonite customers (the above poster, and also here). Both have negative experiences. Hmm...

Anybody with a positive experience care to chip in? Thanks in advance.
Hi WR community and Team,

So I personally will have no problems with the merger as long as it doesn't affect WR from the consumer/home side. I can understand if this merger will mostly affect the business side or even just strengthen Webroot AV's protection capabilities, but I'm really concerning with how it will affect the consumer side of the application, it's interface/UI, and functionalities.

These are some questions I'd like to go over as time goes on and more information comes out. My questions are geared more towards the consumer side of Webroot's AV products.

Here are my biggest questions:

  1. Will the consumer side of the AV change? Will it still function essentially the same way just maybe with a new logo or something? There are features that I love about Webroot, espeially their scan logs. There are some nice stuff in the scan logs that are TOO VALUABLE for me to let go. Will I have to say goodbye to these features and funtionalities if a new AV will come out because of this merger?
  2. Once the merge is full, for the consumer antivirus, will we have to resintall the AV (my relatives and I have the AV on a BUNCH of computers) to something comptelely different or will it update seemleessly? Do we have to resintall to a completley different product or will it just update on its own when new patches roll out like it always has done?
  3. Some retail stores still sell discs, can those discs still be used in the future once the merger is full? Every year I have some relatives and friends who would buy licenses from a retail store (some stores have NICE sales and were timed perfectly to when they had to renew) and they were given discs every time. From what I know, the discs connect to WR servers anyway so 2016 discs still work in 2019 and install the latest version. Will this still be true once the merger is complete? There is a market that still prefers using discs (who can blame them).
Thanks in advanced Webroot Team.

Hey windrider711,

Thanks for the questions. As always, I appreciate the feedback.

  1. I’m glad you love WSA as much as we do. The product that you own today will continue to protect you and your most sensitive data now and in the future. I’ll be sure to relay your specific feedback on the scan logs over to the product team.
  2. We aren’t anticipating any changes to our core consumer AV product once the merger is complete. There won’t be any updates relating to the merger, so nothing to reinstall.
  3. Great question. We don’t plan on changing this in the near future as well so your friends and family will still be able to find these at their favorite retail store of choice. And if you ever need a disc, let me know and I can help.

The failure to promptly address the password manager problem (which is still an advertised part of the product by the way), was the canary singing in the coal mine. Little has been said in the way of updates about WHEN this will be resolved, as a customer, I feel let down in a huge way.

I give Webroot an F- for their handling of this, and the apparently low priority that was placed on it.
This is my first post in the Community. I started with Windows Washer years ago and have had Webroot Security on multiple PCs for many years. I renew 3 years at a time so I won't have to think about it. My heart sank and I felt instant anxiety when I received the email notification a few minutes ago about Carbonite's acquisition of Webroot. I wish the employees of Webroot the best during this transitional time with the company.
Sad to hear of this merger. I used to be a Carbonite custimer for years but they became ridiculously expensive and their app is a real ressource hog too, so I left. They continue to spam me on a daily basis with misleading discount offers like 30% off and then it turns out only if you sign up for three years. Pity of a great service like Webroot.
I left Carbonite after they screwed over Rush.

How do I get a refund for my unused Webroot subscription?
Wait and see. If Carbonite buys Sears, too it might be time for concern.
I left Carbonite after they screwed over Rush.

How do I get a refund for my unused Webroot subscription?Wait and see. If Carbonite buys Sears, too it might be time for concern.Wait and see. If Carbonite buys Sears, too it might be time for concern.

@Peyronie who or what is Rush?

@rbarrow Sears eh? LOL

I left Carbonite after they screwed over Rush.

How do I get a refund for my unused Webroot subscription?Wait and see. If Carbonite buys Sears, too it might be time for concern.Wait and see. If Carbonite buys Sears, too it might be time for concern.

@Peyronie who or what is Rush?

@rbarrow Sears eh? LOL

Rush Limbaugh
Hey wow, the c-level man, he's so excited. We're not.

I guess it's Kaspersky now.

Why do so many good companies tank at around 400 employees. Perforce comes to mind, now it's Webroot. Talked with one of your QA guys a few months back, could smell the unease. Not surprising.

Carbonite has bad rep. They'll Oracle you, like OpenOffice. You coulda at least sold out to a vulture capital fund, let them pick the bones fast.

This line has been removed by the Webroot Moderation Team due to our Community Guidelines.

Hey wow, the c-level man, he's so excited. We're not.

I guess it's Kaspersky now.

Buy American 🙂

Hey wow, the c-level man, he's so excited. We're not.

I guess it's Kaspersky now.

Buy American :)

I buy american if it"s better and competitive in all aspects... my vpn is finnish, my car is french etc.
Hey wow, the c-level man, he's so excited. We're not.

I guess it's Kaspersky now.

Buy American :)

I say: Wait and see.
yes Muddy, I wrote the same before, I'll add there's no need to make a fuss about that, period.
yes Muddy, I wrote the same before, I'll add there's no need to make a fuss about that, period.

Yes, I noticed.

Many of us are saying it.

So many unknowns for us from the outside... From where I am standing, this could be anything from an unmitigated disaster to a great success.
Well Weebroot was a good product for quite a few years,but given Carbonites track record I'll not be renewing my license when the current one is up in 150 days.

So, thanks for the great product and support over the last four or five years; I guess all good things come to an end.
Like others, I resubscribed on January 28 so just threw away $99. This is the second time Webroot has made a major change just after resubscribing and I did not like the first change either. However, they guaranteed me Webroot would play nice with other products.

In logging in here it turns out the ONLY way I can log in is by choosing "Forgot Password". Since KeePass is used there was no typo, caps log, or other typical issues.

As for Carbonite, I found a couple of issues.

In 2009 7,500+ customers lost their backups.

After Carbonite purchased Phanfare they refused to honor the lifetime memberships. Of course, when one company purchases another both assets AND liabilities are purchased so the loss of the liftime membership seems illegal (I am not a lawyer) or at least, underhanded. It seems they might not be very reputable.

FYI: The current President & CEO is Mohammed S. Ali, at one time, was the Chief Strategy Officer of Hewlett-Packard for two years, and up to the time, they split off EDS. He was, however, not responsible for running EDS into the ground by running off the clients.
Like others, I resubscribed on January 28 so just threw away $99.

I really do think it would be premature to write off Webroot at this stage. I think it is worth at least giving them a chance to see what comes of this.

Who knows? We might all be agreeably surprised. I, for one, am going to wait and see.