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Welcome to another spooktacular Q&A. I’ve just returned from braving the darkest corners of the web to discover the nastiest malware of 2021. :scream:

I’ll be available until Halloween to answer your questions on the worst infections featured in our latest Nastiest Malware. Add your questions in the comments below.


Help me community members, you’re my only hope

If you don’t have any questions then we invite you to cast your vote for the malware that you think is the NASITEST

Make sure to take our Nastiest Malware Quiz to test your knowledge.

My vote is for REvil as nastiest.

I know my peers in Support said Lemonduck was the nastiest, but that Kaseya hack on July 4th weekend was brutal to the whole industry :dizzy_face:

My vote is for Lemonduck

Like this format. Appreciate how you’ve graphically personified each of the Malware. :sunglasses: Makes it nice to share this with clients and others and makes it understandable and relatable. Great job.

Like this format. Appreciate how you’ve graphically personified each of the Malware. :sunglasses: Makes it nice to share this with clients and others and makes it understandable and relatable. Great job.

Thanks Gmike. I think the illustrations help quite a bit as well

REvil gets my vote. It has caused us a lot of grief!

Well to be honest after reading those descriptions I think it is a close a call between them all but I think Lemonduck just gets past the post first.

The fact that it has led to so many pieces of info being auctioned off after a ransomware attack, I think I gotta give it to REvil. 

Thank you for the smile. Every time a discussion on malware and the like comes up, I can only think of a 70’s TV host that said “Ooooo, Scary scary.” I believe it may have been Svengoolie, for those that remember. I hear that in my head every time, and now especially with the Halloween season approaching. 

REvil especially after hearing they also screwed over their own affiliates out of payments. That’s nasty.

Lemonduck here.

Lemonduck definitely tops it off for me.

Especially whilst it attacked Linux and Windows.

My vote’s for REvil, but it’s a close run thing

We really like this format. Appreciate how you’ve graphically personified each of the Malware. Great job.

This format was great as really had to learn the content. Did I mention me and my son are big starwars fans. REvil gets my vote.

Unfortunately, I must admit my ignorance on the subject. I haven't dealt with any cryptoviruses in the past year and so I'm not prepared enough.

Great article and very nice infographic. I have heard of some of them, but not all. Always good to know your enemies. My vote for this year nastiest would go to Revil, as it's hack of Kaseya shook up the MSP world, like the Solarwinds hack did a few months earlier.

REvil is the nastiest (not the nasi-test which is probably a typo) :grinning:

If there was a way of demonstrating just how bad these problems are to end users, they might actually start to believe that what we are telling them, is not scare mongering! I have lost count of the number of times I have went through stuff like this with a client, only to have them roll their eyes at me, indicating that I’m trying to create a scenario just to get a sale from them… Demonstrations on these various attacks happening, what they do etc., would probably do more for us trying to sell and protect them!

Congratulations for this! I vote Lemonduck, this guy is so nasty even being so recent. 

PrintNightmare caused us massive headache, I no its not really malware but it felt alot like it at the time.

REvil gets my vote.  Although they are all bad.

REvil especially after hearing they also screwed over their own affiliates out of payments. That’s nasty.

This would be my vote as well. It is a close call, but I agree that this just proves they really don’t care who they hurt in the process. That is pure evil. 

REvil  is my vote with Lemonduck a close second.  Great job on the pdf, very informative.  

13/20 and got the ones i have control over correct, which is a relief (cant remember names of all these cryto criminals and programs).

Have only ever seen 2 ransomware infections in 28 years.  One through a router backdoor which allowed brute force, the other through a stupid customer click through.  We recovered data and full function from the router hack.  the customer didn’t want to pay for their data or have a backup to use for the click through.

+1 for Revil. Talk about a nasty malware. 
