Hi Mike, considering I have just replied to your other post I am assuming you have worked out which of the 2 you had completed. Is that right?
Hi Jasper, and thank you for the reply. This Aphasia is really something. Some days are better than others but thank you for the reply. I am able to get on and off the Webroot channel ( can’t remember the word so gave you ‘channel’) and really weird the way Aphasia works and then suddenly, seems as if I’m normal again. Having a normal brain from my former stroke.
Many thanks…
You are NOT the first we have had in here with that condition.
Maybe so, but there are several levels of stroke in the brain. Mine was level 4 or 5, which means 3 parts of my brain were damaged, which is quite bad. I’m attempting to write a book, as I wrote this to you. I have/am, using my experience with my stroke, to be used among fiction characters within a true experience, not feigned, having a stroke, in a book. In other words, the characters in my book are invented, but the experience is true. The book is what happened to me during my stroke and my recovery!
Very difficult to do, with half a brain.