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Microsoft Office on a per year basis?

  • January 29, 2013
  • 6 replies

Gold VIP
CNN is reporting the Microsoft wants to move to a per year fee scheme for Office. While I cannot provide the link (old outdated phone I am using), I wonder what you think about the idea of $100.00/year for Microsoft Office?

If you don't like the idea (And I don't), really what is the difference between a yearly fee for Office and the yearly fee for security software that we usually gladly pay?

6 replies

Gold VIP
I did a search and here is an Article:
Microsoft pushes home users toward Office subscriptions—whether they like it or not Would you pay $99 a year to use Office at home?
And I would say no as I got Office 2010 Professional. :@

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  • January 29, 2013
Kudos and a big thank you for the link!

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  • January 29, 2013
I do not think it is a bad idea given the success adobe has had with their Creative Cloud.I know my wife is interested.10 bucks a month isn't a bad deal for those who might balk at otherwise spending significantly more.

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  • January 29, 2013
For myself.. I will likely use OpenOffice (free).  It is not quite the same as Microsoft, but it is compatible, and it gets the job done for me.

Gold VIP
More info and clarification: It`s the "Office 365 Home Premium" online version.
By David Goldman @CNNMoneyTech January 29, 2013: 9:08 AM ET
NEW YORK (CNNMoney)Microsoft is about to shake up Office, its most sacred cash cow.
Starting on Tuesday, Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) will be offering Office as a subscription service for consumers. For $100 a year, "Office 365 Home Premium" customers can put Office on up to five computers (including Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) Macintoshes and Windows 8 tablets) and store up to 27 gigabytes of data on Microsoft's SkyDrive cloud storage service. The subscription includes frequent software updates and allows users to automatically load their customized Microsoft Office settings on each different device.
 Office 365 users will also be able to get "Office on Demand," a feature that allows them to temporarily access the latest version of Office on any computer through a Web browser -- whether or not that device has the program installed. One caveat: Once you stop paying, you lose the software.
 Full Article

Gold VIP
Microsoft Releases Office 365 Home PremiumJan. 29, 2013New consumer cloud service works across devices to help busy people simplify their lives and get more done. NEW YORK — Jan. 29, 2013 — Microsoft Corp. today announced worldwide availability of Office 365 Home Premium, a reinvention of the company’s flagship Office product line for consumers. Office 365 Home Premium is a cloud service designed for busy households and people juggling ever-increasing work and family responsibilities. The new offering includes the latest and most complete set of Office applications; works across up to five devices, including Windows tablets, PCs and Macs; and comes with extra SkyDrive storage and Skype calling — all for US$99.99 for an annual subscription, the equivalent of US$8.34 per month.
“Today’s launch of Office 365 Home Premium marks the next big step in Microsoft’s transformation to a devices and services business,” said Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft. “This is so much more than just another release of Office. This is Office reinvented as a consumer cloud service with all the full-featured Office applications people know and love, together with impressive new cloud and social benefits.”
Full Article
