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PW Manager taking two hours to activate?

  • February 9, 2016
  • 2 replies

Trying to activate PW Manager...for 2 hours now?

2 replies

  • Fresh Face
  • 1 reply
  • February 11, 2016
I posted a query in this reagrd as well. Mine has been stuck "Preparing" for hours now

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • February 11, 2016
Hi reason1984
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Would you be able to advise as to exactly what you mean by 'activate' since as far as I know there is no requirement as such to 'activate' the Password Manager; itis just installed or rather the toolbar link & extension are installed and one just logs into them.
However, just in case the issue is down to a faulty install you can try running the Toolbarfix tool.  You can download it for HERE.  
Once downloaded launch it by clicking on the executable, and you should see the following, if then that is fine and you should click on 'Run':

which should then take you to the following dialog:

on which you should choose/check the option 'Repair/Install the Webroot Toolbar' and then press 'Start'.
That should initiate the fix process and you just have to wait for it to finish, close the dialog and then check in your browser to see if the Password Manager Toolbar icon is now visible.  If the fix has been successful you should see the following greyed out icon in a toolbar at the top of the IE browser page:

One then double clicks on that so that the login dialog is presented, etc.
Note: This will not work in Microsoft Edge. Webroot is currently awaiting that MS allow addons/extensions to be used with Edge. Please seeHERE for a KB Article on the subject.
Please check the above out and come back if anything is not clear or if it does not help/respond to your query.
Regards, Baldrick
