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Webroot Secure Anywhere and Free Download Manager

How can I set webroot to start scanning downloaded file automatically in Free Download Manager (FDM)?
There is an option in FDM to set antivirus sotware to do this everytime a file is downloaded with FDM. But when I set the WRSA.exe (C:Program FilesWebrootWRSA.exe) in here, nothing happens.
Webroot Secure Anywhere
Free Download Manager 1289
What am I missing here?

Best answer by RetiredTripleHelix

Hello rootuser and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.
WSA always looks at the files being downloaded when it is written to the disk and if it's a zip file it will not be scanned as it can't do any harm but will be checked once extracted. If the zip file is not encrypted you can Right Click on the file a click "Scan with Webroot" from the context menu to force WSA to scan the archive.
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Gold VIP
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  • February 2, 2013
Welcome to the Forums RootUser!
My own best guess is that there would need to be a 'switch' used at the end of the file path.  I am not a user of FDM, however, so I am not positive on this.  Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge than myself can give a better answer.  I believe that the Webroot Mods have Saturdays off, so you might also want to Submit A Trouble Ticket
I am looking to see if I can find a list of such available 'switches', but I have not been able to locate it as this time.  (I am still pretty new around here myself)

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2013
Thank David. I agree with you. I will try to find a solution and share it here if I find it.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • February 2, 2013
Great question rootuser :D
I am curious to learn if this is possible. Keep us informed and welcome to the Webroot Community.

Hello rootuser, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃

Gold VIP
Hello rootuser and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.
WSA always looks at the files being downloaded when it is written to the disk and if it's a zip file it will not be scanned as it can't do any harm but will be checked once extracted. If the zip file is not encrypted you can Right Click on the file a click "Scan with Webroot" from the context menu to force WSA to scan the archive.

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  • February 2, 2013
I have found a couple of the 'switches', but I do not think I have the right one for you.  NOTE: be VERY CAREFULL playing around with command switches: remember that Webroot has a Permanent Erase function.  Accidentally switching that on will probably end up with results that are not desireable.  ;)
This line will load Webroot's background processes if stopped for both the current user and the 'system user', and show the main panel of the user interface.  If Webroot's background processes are already running, it will simply show the main panel of the user interface.
"C:Program FilesWebrootWRSA.exe" -showgui
This line will load Webroot's background processes if stopped, but only under the current user (twice): it does not load the 'system user' background process, and it will not show the main panel of the user interface.
"C:Program FilesWebrootWRSA.exe" -service
Perhaps someone else knows what other switches are available and can help further.

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  • February 2, 2013
With my previous reply, I am assuming that there is a swtich that will trigger the behavior of the Right Click "Scan with Webroot",. and that using it in FDM antivirus path would accomplish what rootuser is looking for.

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2013
Thanks everyone.

Hi David,

Thank you for your effort. I have tried to put those switch in FDM but it accepts none. The reason I have made this query is with other antivirus/antimalware program (names withheld) FDM starts it without any switch by simply firing up the exe file of the antivirus that I point it to. I wish I could automate that process instead of forcing WRSA to manually check every file FDM downloads.

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  • February 2, 2013
@ wrote:
Thanks everyone.

Hi David,

Thank you for your effort. I have tried to put those switch in FDM but it accepts none. The reason I have made this query is with other antivirus/antimalware program (names withheld) FDM starts it without any switch by simply firing up the exe file of the antivirus that I point it to. I wish I could automate that process instead of forcing WRSA to manually check every file FDM downloads.
Well, rats! LOL.  I have a feeling that it would require a switch used for FDM to call up Webroot and not only scan the file in question, but see the user interface of the result.  I could well be wrong.
I am sorry it didn't work, but I did have fun trying and I learned a bit at the same time!

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
  • February 2, 2013
There is not presently a command-line scan option. As TripleHelix said though, any executable file is scanned when it's written to the drive, so there's no need to do any extra groundwork to try to make WSA do an additional scan. That's already happening in the background. A scan happens again if you run the file as well.

Gold VIP
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  • February 2, 2013
Thanks for the info Jim!
I understand that files are scanned as they are being saved in the background, and so we do not see it occurring or the 'scan result' afterwards.  
I am curious still though about the right click "Scan with Webroot".. How is that done and could the same method be used for a situation such as what RootUser had in mind?

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
  • February 2, 2013
It works like a custom scan that is set to only scan a single file.
The path in the program is PC Security > Scan > Custom Scan

A command line scan is something that gets discussed a lot but has been pushed back due to other projects for which there seem to be greater demand and perception of usefulness. I would suggest creating an idea in the Ideas Exchange for "Command Line Scanning" so we can track the popularity. In the scheme of things though, the usefulness of such a potential feature is questionable in situations like this since the shields already do the job of the scan seamlessly and effectively without getting in the way.
