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Webroot pulling files from Google Drive on Mac

  • March 7, 2020
  • 1 reply


Webroot Secure Anywhere on my 2019 MacBook Pro running Catalina 10.15.3 is scanning every file in my Google Drive, one at a time, by pulling them down from the cloud onto my hard drive.

The current scan has run for days. I can see Google Drive File Stream pulling down the files, one by one, filling up my hard drive.  

I believe I’ve added my google drive to the exclusion list, but it appears to have no impact.


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  • Retired Webrooter
  • 802 replies
  • March 9, 2020

Hey @James90 ,

Welcome to the community!

Just so I understand your experience fully; The Webroot scan is literally taking files from your google drive and placing them on your physical hard drive? That is definitely not expected behavior! Is there any way you can stop the scan? Adding Google Drive to the exclusion list while it’s scanning probably won’t work. 


Is this the initial scan after installing Webroot? Or have you had Webroot installed for a while? 

My first recommendation is to uninstall Webroot completely and then reinstall. After reinstall, add your google drive to the exclusions list. 

If that still doesn’t work, you may want to reach out to our Support Team  for assistance. I haven’t heard of this bug before, but it’s likely that they can fix this for you. 


Keep us updated!
