I just installed Webroot secure anywhere to my new MacBook. I switched from windows based system. I get message on home page,
Subscription: account not activated
I sign in to my account it shows I have over 150 days left until renewal. Is this normal for Macs or is there a way to fix it so it shows it is active?
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue. A reply from Support should take from 24 to 48 hours but could take a little longer because of COVID 19 and the Webroot Employees are busy working from home.
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue. A reply from Support should take from 24 to 48 hours but could take a little longer because of COVID 19 and the Webroot Employees are busy working from home.