Webroot detects a malware in a Time Machine backup
Threat List: MRT, OSX.Genieo.1.r, \Volumes\Time Machine-sikkerhetskopier\.Trashes\501\2019-08-08-109928.inProgress\2C64290D-CFE5-48B2-934E-A0C96D14C5C9\Macintosh HD\System\Library\CoreServices\MRT.app\Contents\MacOS, 00000000000000000000000000000000, 1790 days 22 hours 8 mins 18 secs
I sent Clean Up command, it’s delivered yesterday, but today, the same warning came up. I wonder if Webroot can clean malware in Time Machine backup or not?
Best answer by ProTruckDriver
I would recommend to get in contact with Webroot Support and see if they could find the problem. Contacting them by phone would be the fastest to solve the problem. If you wait for a Webroot Mac Expert Employee to answer questions about Mac’s here on the forum, you might be waiting a very long time. Like @TripleHelix always stated, it’s like pulling teeth to get answers here on the forum from them on Mac’s.
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.
Please post to let us know what Support has done to fix this problem.
If I remember correctly when @Wanderingbug (Devin) was here, he told us never to scan Time Machine because there would be False Positives the way Time machine is set up on a Mac. @Ssherjj do you remember this? I don’t know if this has changed in the last few years. I’ll ping some people that should know if this is still the case with Time Machine. @Jeremiah Voris@macdonaldj@TylerM
If I remember correctly when @Wanderingbug (Devin) was here, he told us never to scan Time Machine because there would be False Positives the way Time machine is set up on a Mac. @Ssherjj do you remember this? I don’t know if this has changed in the last few years. I’ll ping some people that should know if this is still the case with Time Machine. @Jeremiah Voris@macdonaldj@TylerM
Yes, I remember that Devin said to never scan the Time Machine and when I deleted some files because of false positives. ...I messed up that back up. I would never do that again.
So yesterday, I added that file to Overrides, but today scan still shows warning. Is there any other way to tell Webroot ignore that file? Or how to exclude TimeMachine from scanning?
I would recommend to get in contact with Webroot Support and see if they could find the problem. Contacting them by phone would be the fastest to solve the problem. If you wait for a Webroot Mac Expert Employee to answer questions about Mac’s here on the forum, you might be waiting a very long time. Like @TripleHelix always stated, it’s like pulling teeth to get answers here on the forum from them on Mac’s.
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.
Please post to let us know what Support has done to fix this problem.
I’m going to echo @ProTruckDriver here and recommend you talk to support about this. I had a conversation with a member of their team and he had a couple of avenues he wanted to explore with you. This will definitely resolve more quickly if you hop on a call with them.