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Remove old keycodes?

  • October 21, 2013
  • 9 replies

Ok. I'm experiencing some more annoyances since updating my keycode yesterday. I'm getting popup messages frequently stating that my Webroot subscription has expired, even though I just added another year. The GUI on my PC is fine and states that I have 364 days remaining which is correct. When I open the web console and go to "Manage Keycodes" it shows my new keycode but says only 1 of 5 accounts being used (I have actually installed the new keycode on 2 computers) and it shows my old keycode which is listed as expired. There is also an Android keycode from the free app that I tried a few weeks ago but uninstalled almost immediately (tried that before adding new keycode), but there is NO Android device listed under the "Mobile Devices" tab of the web console. It also states that I have 50 GB of storage which must also be erroneous. I believe it's adding the storage from both keycodes together despite one of them being expired. So I'm wondering if there is any way to remove the expired keycode and the unused Android keycode from my account? I've looked at all of the settings in the web console and the desktop GUI and don't see any way of doing this. Any ideas fellas? Thanks as always for your help with these matters. Regards, BD

9 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • October 21, 2013
Hello BurnDaddy!
There is no way for a user to manipulate the key codes such as removing old ones, or moving account profiles from the old code to the new one.  You can either submit a Trouble Ticket for this (Link below) or perhaps @  MikeR is still around and will see this and give a hand!

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1455 replies
  • October 21, 2013
Thanks, David.
BurnDaddy - It looks like you are being helped through our ticketing system and I think that is the best place for you to receive assistance for the 'subscription expired' notification.
I do see one of your 3 machines that is still connected to an expired keycode. I have sent you the name of the pc in a private message. Please try updating that machine to your current keycode and update the technician if they need to investigate further.

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  • October 21, 2013
Thank you David. I will submit a trouble ticket. Do you have any thoughts as to why the new keycode only shows 1 account being used so far when I've actually used 2? I did notice that despite updating the keycode on the second machine (laptop) it is still using the old interface. Do you think this has anything to do with it?

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  • 2804 replies
  • October 21, 2013
Thanks, Mike. You are correct. I still have to update one of my keycodes. I will do so right now and report any problems to a technician.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • October 21, 2013
Well, Mike said you have a support ticket open that he can see, so they should help out on it.  As for the Console not showing all the machines on the new key code that you have used that code on: how long ago did you change the key code over?  Sometimes the console can take up to 30 minutes to update and sometimes you must manually run a scan before the change will show on the Console (and that little wait time after the scan of course... 🙂  )

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  • October 21, 2013
The second machine was updated yesterday. I thought it scanned immediately after doing that, but I still need to update one of my keycodes so maybe that will also update the account info. And just to clarify; the support ticket that I opened yesterday was opened in regards to my main PC not showing in the web console (which has been resolved) not the issues stated here today. Thank you all for your help. BD

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1455 replies
  • October 22, 2013
Thanks for the update, BurnDaddy. The same support ticket can be used for new interactions and for troubleshooting further. 
Let us know if your machines show up in the console after running the scans and waiting for it to update. If there is still a disconnect between the console and your device being recognized, we will probably want to collect logs through the ticketing system.

  • 125 replies
  • November 3, 2013
So what was the conclusion to this thread; if someone could kindly clarify for me?
Can I deduce that:
1. There's currently no mechanism to delete a keycode from Console?
2. The user only should(ideally) get a reminder if a system is still activated on an expired keycode?
I have 4 keycodes on console (at least one is a Beta keycode I believe) and I'm not thankfully receiving any reminders - just want to know if I do in future receive a reminder for a keycode that is not linked to a system whether this should be raised via support or not?
Manage Keycodes
"If it aint broke - no need to fix it?"

  • Author
  • 2804 replies
  • November 3, 2013
Hello horseman! Welcome to the Webroot Community.

You are correct. There is no way to remove old keycodes. As for the reminders, I only received reminders for the current keycode that I had. They stopped the day after my keycode had expired. I renewed my license the day before my subscription expired. I'm not sure whether or not I would have continued to receive them had I not renewed. Hope this info helps.

