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Type your question here...I have upgraded my quicken to version 15. Now no internet connection

  • February 8, 2015
  • 1 reply

I have upgraded to Quicken 15 and was able to use it without problems for a few months. Now I have an error message that Quicken is unabe to establish internet connection while I am trying to update my bank data. Suggestions?

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • February 8, 2015
Hi jnihill
Welcome to the Community Forums.
With regards to your Quicken-related issue, may I ask if this is the only application that you are having issues with re. connectiing to the internet?  If so then it may be worth you carrying out an uninstall/clean install of WSA.  Let us know if you want to try that I we can provide information on how to do that.
Otherwise, if you are running under WIndows 7, then we can check to see if the Quicken executable is being blocked from accessing the internet; make sure that Quicken is launched first, then:
1. click on the gear/cog symbol to the right of the PC Security tab,
2. in the main application window, and on the new panel displayed click on 'View Active Connections'
3. in the top half of the new panel, under 'Process' check down the list of process looking for the Quicken-related .exe.
4. if found then check what the status is flagged as, i.e., 'Allow' or Block'
5. if showing as 'Block' switch it to 'Allow' and then try to connect Quicken to the internet once more.
6. if showing as 'Allow' or the .exe is not present in the list then we need to think again or try the uninstall/clean install option to see if that helps.
Regards, Baldrick
