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The Weekly Webroot Digest: 2/16/18

  • February 16, 2018
  • 0 replies

Welcome to the Weekly Webroot Digest! 
This is a weekly series to highlight the best articles and news stories going on in the Community. 

What was your favorite story? What topics would you like to see? Sound off in the comments! 

Cyber News Rundown: Malware Attack Targets 2018 Winter Olympics
The Winter Olympics are in full swing, and cybercriminals seem to be working just as hard as the athletes. Their nefarious minds are focused on distributing malware that targets several internal WiFi and television systems. In addition to a delay during the opening ceremonies, the malware caused major damage to the networks by wiping non-critical network files and using stolen credentials to traverse the networks with ease. With plenty of international information on hand, it’s surprising the attack focused more on destruction over data collection.
Multi-Stage Word Attack Infects Users Without Using Macros
Spam distributors are using a new technique to infect users with malware, and while this attack relies on having users open Word documents, it does not involve users having to allow the execution of macro scripts. This new macro-less technique is currently under active exploitation, being detected by Trustwave SpiderLabs researchers in an ongoing malware campaign.
Valentine’s Day Sends Mobile, Online Dating Scammers on the Prowl
In a month where matchmaking is in high demand, we took a look at recent trends around online dating sites using Webroot Brightcloud Threat Intelligence Platform. What did we find? Valentine’s Day sends cybercriminals on the prowl, and not for a soulmate.
The Community Team would like to thank and recognize @ and @ this week as they've helped contribute some great articles to our community! As always, a big thank you to everyone, especially @, for keeping our community up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity news. We truly appreciate it! 
What was your favorite story of the week? What did we miss? Let us know in the comments below!

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