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Read-Only mode scheduled for next week

  • January 3, 2019
  • 1 reply

The Webroot Community will be changing next week and we wanted to make sure you know what's coming up. Check out the announcement post here, and note that the community will be placed in "read only" mode starting this Sunday to allow us to transition to the new platform.
The most significant change for you is that we will be pulling the home, business, and developer communities into one central community. All of the forums will remain the same, any bookmarks you have will remain in place, and all of the previous content will not change. We will be posting useful information on how to navigate the new structure and are always open to suggestions and ideas.
Keep an eye on the Community for additional updates next week!

1 reply

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1550 replies
  • January 6, 2019
We will be putting the community in read-only mode starting today. During this time, you will not be able to make posts, edits, send messages, or anything beyond viewing pages that already exist. Our goal is to make this happen as quickly as possible, so please bear with us as we finish up the migration process.
If you missed our previous announcement about the new community, you can read about it here.  
