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Webroot Weekly Highlights - 1/4/2019

This is a weekly highlight of the best articles and news going on in the Community.
See any stories that catch your interest? What would you like to see in the future? Let us know in the comments below!

Read-Only mode starting next week
Starting next week, we’re thrilled to announce that the Webroot Community will be transitioning to a new platform with all sorts of feature enhancements. If you missed our previous announcement, you can read about it here.  
The new community is set to launch mid to late next, and as such, we will need to place this Community into a "read-only" status.
During this time, you will not be able to make posts, edits, send messages, or anything beyond viewing pages that already exist. Our goal is to make this happen as quickly as possible, so please bear with us as we finish up the migration process.
Once this is complete, we will update you with guides and articles so you can claim your account and start using the new platform.
Taming the Digital Wild West
The Internet is the digital Wild West, more so now than ever before.
The past two years specifically have been a vortex of accelerating malice and resulting chaos: attempted Olympic disruption, American election interference, global ransomware worms, central bank heists, credit bureau pillaging, global business losses, cryptocurrency exchange thefts. And these are only the highlights of what has been publicly reported.
Despite the increasingly dire headlines, there's hope yet for the Internet. It begins with an improved public/private model — backed by legislation — for policing cybercrime and helping American businesses defend themselves.
See the full article here.
Apple Phone Phishing Scams Getting Better
A new phone-based phishing scam that spoofs Apple Inc. is likely to fool quite a few people. It starts with an automated call that display’s Apple’s logo, address and real phone number, warning about a data breach at the company. The scary part is that if the recipient is an iPhone user who then requests a call back from Apple’s legitimate customer support Web page, the fake call gets indexed in the iPhone’s “recent calls” list as a previous call from the legitimate Apple Support line.
Jody Westby is the CEO of Global Cyber Risk LLC,  a security consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. Westby said earlier today she received an automated call on her iPhone warning that multiple servers containing Apple user IDs had been compromised (the same scammers had called her at 4:34 p.m. the day before, but she didn’t answer that call). The message said she needed to call a 1-866 number before doing anything else with her phone.
See the full article here.
Emotet Malware Gets More Aggressive
The scam targets Netflix users and asks for payment information. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning of a new phishing scam reeling in Netflix customers and stealing their payment information.
According to a post published by the FTC, Wednesday, the spotted scam purports to be an email from Netflix. The email claims that the victim’s account was put on hold due to billing issues, and asks the victim to update their payment method.
“Police in Ohio shared a screenshot of a phishing email designed to steal personal information,” said Colleen Tressler, consumer education specialist with the FTC in a post. “The email claims the user’s account is on hold because Netflix is ‘having some trouble with your current billing information’ and invites the user to click on a link to update their payment method.”
In reality, the bad actors who sent the email are pocketing that payment information.
See the full article here.
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  • "Been using Webroot Secure Anywere over five years and since then have had no problems with virus infections. No other product I have used in the last 25 years is as effective as Webroot."
  • "I have been using this package for years now and have never had a breach of security on my PC. It never seems to get the credit it deserves whne poplualr products are being reviewed but once you have discovered it, you wont need to shop around again."
  • "Our company has been using this for about 4 years now and we haven't been happier! Its a great product, easy to use, seamless and uses very little resources. Highly recommend for any IT dept to us for their company."

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