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121 Pieces of Malware Flagged on NSA Employee's Home Computer

  • November 16, 2017
  • 1 reply

16th November, 2017  By Kelly Jackson Higgins
Kaspersky Lab's internal investigation found a backdoor Trojan and other malware on the personal computer of the NSA employee who took home agency hacking tools.
 The personal computer used by the National Security Agency (NSA) employee who reportedly took classified tools from the office and loaded them onto that home machine was infected with a backdoor associated with Russian underground forums. Another 120 pieces of malware were flagged on the machine.
That's the latest finding of an internal investigation published today by Kaspersky Lab, which has been under scrutiny amid allegations that its software assisted Russian nation-state actors in stealing the NSA hacking tools off the employee's home computer, which was running Kaspersky Lab antivirus software. The security company has vigorously denied the allegations.
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  • November 16, 2017
This plot thickens at every turn!
"The home computer on which the NSA file was hosted had a pirated - and malware-infected - version of Microsoft Office running on it, and Kaspersky Lab's AV software apparently detected the NSA file as potentially malicious as well, automatically submitting it to the vendor for analysis."
I wonder if the NSA employee still has his/her job.