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Hackers use F5 BIG-IP malware to stealthily steal data for years


 June 17, 2024 By Bill Toulas


Hacker shhhing

A group of suspected Chinese cyberespionage actors named 'Velvet Ant' are deploying custom malware on F5 BIG-IP appliances to gain a persistent connection to the internal network and steal data.

According to a Sygnia report who discovered the intrusion after they were called in to investigate the cyberattack, Velvet Ant established multiple footholds using various entry points across the network, including a legacy F5 BIG-IP appliance that served as an internal command and control (C2) server.

Using the compromised F5 BIG-IP devices, the threat actors could stealthily steal sensitive customer and financial information from the company for three years without being detected.


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