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PC - Release Notes - Version

  • May 8, 2012
  • 1 reply

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
Changes in version
- Install UI fixes
- Continued internal work on multi-language support, including on installation functions, dispatching web help, etc
- Centrally-managed users may not fiddle with System Cleaner configuration
- Disabled TDI filtering in Windows 8 because Microsoft prohibits it
- Corrected rendering issues caused by missing core system fonts
- Handle shortcuts better
- Handle CLSID subkeys better
- Improved compatibility with keyboard device interactions
- Improved archive handling
- Internal changes in preparation for exciting new things related to sync
- Improved logging reliability related to malicious web resources
- Improved reliability and dependability of certain logging functions
- Fixed several compatibility issues with JAWS screen reader
- Fixed a very rare crash when plugging in a USB keyboard
- Improved handling of larger archives during a scan
- Got a handle on a problem that occasionally caused updates to fail due to handle issues
In non-geek-speak:
There are performance enhancements, bug fixes, and internal preparations for new features. :)
Some explanations:
  • We fixed a keyboard-device interaction issue that was causing a bluescreen error.  It was not actually a keyboard that was the problem in the case that was fixed but rather a touchpad that acts like a keyboard.
  • WSA deals with missing fonts better now than it did before.
  • JAWS is an accessibility program used by visually-handicapped people to read their screen aloud for them.  We had been having some issues with it which should now be resolved.
  • Scanning archives like zip files, rars, etc. doesn't take as long as it used to.

1 reply

Thanks Jim for the change log. I like the "In non-geek-speak". Easy to understand the changes. :D
Keep up the Excellent Work Webroot! 😃
