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Dumb Question?

  • February 22, 2012
  • 9 replies

  • Community Guide
  • 52 replies
I have tried a couple of times clicking on the "Update software" button on the WSAC and have gotten the same message both times. The message was, "You are using the newest version of Webroot and this version no longer needs to update virus definitions. Threat protection is now performed "in the cloud" and is always up-to-date."
So, that being said, why is there an "update software" button? (I know. Dumb question. Right?)

Best answer by Kit

It's possible to turn off automatic updating, or disable it for certain reasons when installing.  At that point, the button provides a function.
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9 replies

Gold VIP
It's to check  for program updates as you are probably using and the Closed Beta Group is using at this time and there are many internal versions being tested all the time that we users are not aware of!

Gold VIP
To Quote JoeJ!
"We will be. We're constantly improving everything - from performance, to detection, to cleanup. In particular, releases above will have a significantly improved cleanup engine, and past 8.0.2.x will have another round of cleanup improvements included. After that, 8.0.4.x will have some dramatic scan engine improvements as well.

There are a lot of exciting things to come, so stay tuned! "
TH 😃

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 371 replies
  • Answer
  • February 23, 2012
It's possible to turn off automatic updating, or disable it for certain reasons when installing.  At that point, the button provides a function.

  • Author
  • Community Guide
  • 52 replies
  • February 23, 2012
Thanks TH and Kit. I kinda knew that it was for program updates, but in the time I have had WSAC, I have never had any updates to speak of. (At least none that I am aware of.)
As far as disabling it for program installs, I have not had any problems with any programs I have installed without disabling it. :S Guess maybe I've just been lucky? I ALWAYs had to disable my OTHER AV for EVERYTHING, but that is another of the nice pluses about WSAC. It is just so unobtrusive in the way it goes about protecting my laptop.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 371 replies
  • February 23, 2012
When the updates happen, they normally take approximately 0.2 seconds, happen in the background, and you never notice them unless you are looking at the system tray and not blinking at JUST the right time. :)
Oh, and I meant that you can disable automatic updates in Webroot when you are installing it. :catvery-happy:

Gold VIP
I still use a thrid party Firewall instead of Windows Firewall on my Laptop and that lets me know when WSA has updated and like Kit said it updates in a flash! ;)

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 31 replies
  • February 25, 2012
@ wrote:
To Quote JoeJ!
"We will be. We're constantly improving everything - from performance, to detection, to cleanup. In particular, releases above will have a significantly improved cleanup engine, and past 8.0.2.x will have another round of cleanup improvements included. After that, 8.0.4.x will have some dramatic scan engine improvements as well.

There are a lot of exciting things to come, so stay tuned! "
 Do you have any information when?

  • OpenText Employee
  • 49 replies
  • February 25, 2012
At this time there is no set release date but as soon as its released your program will automatically update itself with the new version.
The new version does not rely on virus definitions like the previous program did, so you never had to press the "Check for updates" button within the program. The new program is always up to date when you are connected to the Internet because its constantly talking to our servers.

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
To Quote JoeJ!
"We will be. We're constantly improving everything - from performance, to detection, to cleanup. In particular, releases above will have a significantly improved cleanup engine, and past 8.0.2.x will have another round of cleanup improvements included. After that, 8.0.4.x will have some dramatic scan engine improvements as well.

There are a lot of exciting things to come, so stay tuned! "
 Do you have any information when?
It just shows that they are continuing to make WSA better and better! But as Michael said there is no timeline!