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Webroot Community Guidelines

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 241 replies
Definition of Community: A meeting space for digital citizens to learn, share and connect through common and divergent views. 
Webroot Inc. ("Webroot") expects everyone to be respectful, considerate and to use good judgment when participating in its forums, blogs, tribal knowledge base, and idea exchanges (the "Community"). The Webroot Community should be used to share information about issues relating to Webroot, Webroot products and services and Internet security generally.  The following Community guidelines ("Guidelines") serve to protect Webroot and its Community members, and to ensure that the Webroot Community is, and remains, a productive online environment.
Use Your Manners.
In order to maintain a positive, productive and dynamic Community, Webroot asks that you avoid using profanity, derogatory statements or making personal attacks toward others. Never post anything that is hateful, threatening, embarrassing, pornographic or harmful. Don’t discuss divisive issues such as religion or politics.  
Don’t Kill the Mood.
If you are joining the Webroot Community only to defile it, please move on. Or, if you witness someone attacking the company maliciously, Webroot kindly asks that you report the person so that Webroot can restore the Community balance (i.e. kick them out).
Don’t be a Spammer.
The Webroot Community should be used to share information about issues relating to Webroot, Webroot products and services and Internet security generally. Please do not attempt to promote a separate organization or cause.  Links to third-party security vendors will be removed.
In Your Own Words, Please.
Respect copyright laws. If the material isn’t your own, please request the proper permissions and properly reference the source.
It is the "Webroot Community"...?
The Webroot Community is monitored by Webroot’s Community moderators (each, a "Moderator").  Webroot and its Moderators reserve, at their sole discretion, the right to choose what content is appropriate, and to remove content, including, but not limited to, comments that do not further the goals of the Community.
Report the Buzz Kill.
If you see something that bothers you, chances are it will bother Webroot and its Moderators too. Any misconduct should be reported to the Community Moderators at
Use at Your Own Risk.
Webroot is not liable for any damages resulting from your participation in the Community. Webroot doesn’t endorse or guarantee the accuracy of, and specifically disclaims all liability for all submissions, including posts made by employees, suppliers or agents who are not authorized Moderators. Said submissions are deemed unauthorized, and are neither edited by Webroot nor do they necessarily represent the views or opinions of Webroot.
A Friendly Reminder.
Remember, in addition to these Guidelines, your use of the Webroot Community is subject to the Webroot Inc. Community Terms of Service (available at to which you agreed when you registered to join the Community.
Multiple Topics?  Multiple Threads.

It helps your fellow forum members to be able to search for topics by the topic name in order to see if other people are running into the same problems they are.  If you are posting about a whole lot of different things in one thread, it's harder for other forum members to locate and parse through.  It's helpful to split up multiple issues into smaller, individual topics when you can.  The smaller threads are typically answered more quickly as well, so it helps you too.

No Private Testing Discussions.
We do not condone private malware testing by end-users.  This is never a good idea, and in some areas it's actually illegal.  The whole point of antivirus software is to not get infected, and unfortunately when somebody sets a bad example, there will always be others who are influenced into following the same path.  It's not something we want to allow to be encouraged.
A Word about the Off-Topic Forums
The Techie and Non-Techie forums exist because this is a real community of real people, and we understand that sometimes you want to talk about more than just internet security.  That said, this is still primarily a Webroot forum about Webroot stuff.  While we encourage you to talk about everything from new phones to pictures of your pets or to just say "Good morning!" in the good morning topic, there is a limit to how many new off-topic threads you can create in a day.  While there is no limit to the amount of posts you can make in either forum, new topics are limited to 4 per day, total, between the two forums.  This is to keep the discussions primarily focused on Webroot-related topics while still allowing room for other subjects.
No Post Shilling.
Even in the off-topic boards, there needs to be some valuable takeaway from any topic that is created.  Topics that exist only to drive up member post counts are frowned upon and will be closed.  Those kind of topics don't add anything of value to the discussion and can actually hurt the community.  For instance, for new members it can seem confusing to see nothing but a single non-Webroot-related topic filling up the recent posts list.  It's ultimately left to moderator discretion to determine what falls into this category, but to give an example, it would be topics like random word association games.  It's ok to create topics that are lengthy though, as long as there is some tangible topic of discussion that other community members could benefit from.  Here is an example of an off-topic forum topic we don't mind being lengthy, and here is an example of one we did mind being lengthy and ultimately closed.

29 replies

  • New Member
  • 2 replies
  • October 14, 2012
Thanks, good newby fyi

Silver VIP
  • Silver VIP
  • 580 replies
  • January 11, 2013
I'm very sad I can't have a custom avatar. 😞

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
I'm very sad I can't have a custom avatar. =(
Have a look here in time you will. and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
  • May 7, 2013
Hi Everyone,
The Community Guidelines have been updated today.  There is a new section pertaining to the "Admittedly More Interesting Than Internet Security" off-topic category.  So, heads up!  Thanks everybody.  🙂

  • 1 reply
  • October 18, 2013
I am so glad I found this forum!

  • Bronze VIP
  • 1525 replies
  • October 18, 2013
Hello @ and welcome to the Community where everyday is a new learning experience. Please don't hesitate to ask any question or confusions about WSA and Webroot. The whole Community is here to help.:)

Community Leader
  • Community Leader
  • 868 replies
  • March 2, 2014
Before posting security news here, please search and see if the story has already been posted. We are starting to get a number of duplicate news stories posted here, within a day of each other.
Thi will help eliminate confusion of "Wait, I think I just read this!"
Thanks! 😉

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1544 replies
  • March 2, 2014
I always try to check the related topics prior to shipping to avoid duplicates.
I will be even more attentive)
Thank you

Thank you for the warning, I will keep my eyes open. I do try to avoid it happening but will double check.

Gold VIP
I also try to check before I post, but duplicates happen here and there.  I have seen a Webroot employee accidentally post a dupicate here and there too 🙂

Gold VIP
I will note though that since this thread itself is not a Security Industry News item, I am going to ask the Mods to move it to Community Guidelines, possibly titled "Security News Duplicates" or something like that.  As it is this thread is on the scroller.

Gold VIP
All I can say is if there is a Topic just add to it but I do my best not to post dupes! And thanks Corey for the reminder.

Community Leader
  • Community Leader
  • 868 replies
  • March 2, 2014
I never thought of it being part of the scroll. I agree that it does not need to be on the scroll.

Yes, duplicates happen. This section seems to be the worst though as you can look at the subjects and see several duplicates all within the past day or so.

Gold VIP
Well, of course if a few more articles are posted, it would push this off the Scroller 🙂

Community Leader
  • Community Leader
  • 868 replies
  • March 2, 2014
Quick! Someone post something new!

I am trying 😉

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • March 2, 2014
And doing an excellent job too...if I may make so bold, Jasper...;)

Thank you Baldrick. It is Sunday and everyone thinks they should be at home instead of working though 😉

Thank you Webroot. I am a new member and I'm glad to be here with you all.

Thank you!

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • December 31, 2014
Hi Lorraine
May I ask what the thanks are for?  Just want to make sure that you are not lost in the Forums.
Regards, Baldrick

No! I am not lost in the forams. Sorry for any duplicates.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • January 1, 2015
No worries, Lorraine
No worries.  Glad to hear it.
Happy New Year.
Regards, Baldrick

I am not familiar with this duplicates things. alvaro

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • February 8, 2015
Hi alvaro
It is nothing to be concerned about but relates to users sometimes getting confused and managing to post a duplicate or a re-post of their original post...that is all.
Regards, Baldrick
