In the midst of all the serious business of maintaining our cybersecurity, we thought it would be fun to add a lighter note to our community interactions. And so, we're launching an entertaining yet informative contest.
We've all seen them – those infamous "Nigerian Prince" scam emails, brimming with promises of immense wealth, outrageous stories, and unfortunately, potential risks as they all ask for you to send money first. They’ve become something of a cybersecurity inside joke, a symbol of the ingenuity and audacity of scammers.

Now, we're turning these scam stories into an opportunity for amusement and learning. We invite all of you to share the most outrageous, hilarious, and downright implausible "Nigerian Prince" scams that you've ever received.

Contest Rules:
Share your favorite "Nigerian Prince" scam story as a response to this thread. Please ensure you anonymize any information that would be personal.
Your entry should be as authentic as possible. While many of these scam emails are similar, the devil (or the humor, in this case) is often in the details.
You can like as many stories as you find amusing – but you can only win one.
Winners announced end of week.
This contest not only provides a platform for us to share a laugh but also serves as a great learning experience, especially for those new to the cybersecurity world. By exploring these scam stories, we can better understand the tactics scammers use and how to avoid falling for them.
So, dust off those spam folders and let's turn these cyber threats into cyber chuckles and gift cards. Let the games begin!