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stupid webroot locked me out of my old phone that i am trying to unlock and wont accept the password

the password works online but i cant get into my old phone.  help!

15 replies

  • Moderator
  • 21839 replies
  • December 20, 2014
Hello ivona,

Welcome to the Community,

I'm very sorry to hear about this happening to you but please have a look at this KB article , hope it helps somewhat,

My best advice would be to do a factory reset on your phone or Contact Support. (This is a free service with active subscription),
EDIT: you could also try to change your Password here
@ Please try to go to your Account Console and see if you can unlock your phone there

Please let us know how it goes ok?

Best Regards,

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • December 20, 2014
 As i said, i Did change the password and it works everyhwere but my old phone and when i clicked on the support page i got an error

  • Moderator
  • 21839 replies
  • December 20, 2014
@ wrote:
 As i said, i Did change the password and it works everyhwere but my old phone and when i clicked on the support page i got an error
Hi ivona,
Sorry if I'm abit confused but where are you getting the support error? On your phone?Can you get on your phoneor is it locked!

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • December 20, 2014
i was getting it online on my computer - the link you provided worked and i emailed them but who knows if and when they will respond.  this is ridiculous.  i pay for webroot to lock me out.  gee thanks

  • Moderator
  • 21839 replies
  • December 20, 2014
Hello ivona,
We are sorry for the inconvience of this issue but Webroot does protect your phone from unauthorized use if it gets into the wrong hands. Webroot is just trying to protect your device and your information.
Hopefully the Support Team can assist you soon but as it's a weekend it might not be until Monday. I could be wrong though.
If you are locked out of your phone and you do not want to wait you can call your cell service provider to help you reset your phone.
Sorry I couldn't help you out more. I know this is frustrating for sure.

  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
  • December 21, 2014
Now that is baffling cuzi change sims a lot on devices and webroot locks the device when the sim is removed
But it does just ask for the device password the screen lock password or maybe you locked the sim........
. Hope that helps

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • December 21, 2014
right so as i said - it does ask for a password but i had to change it bc I forgot it and now it has been updated everywhere except on the actual device and to do that, the device would have to connect to the internet which it cant without being unlocked.
one other reason webroot is STUPID AND USELESS??  if you connect a locked device to a lock top you can download ALL FILES FROM THE PHONE
so the only useful thing it does is lock the actual owner from their phone.
and customer service sucks - I emailed them and of course have not heard back

  • Moderator
  • 21839 replies
  • December 21, 2014
Hello ivona,
Did you issue a Support Ticket as requested?,

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • December 21, 2014
yes i did.  they said they will contact me asap - not sure what that means.  it was a few hours ago

  • Moderator
  • 21839 replies
  • December 21, 2014
Hello ivona,
Really I sense your frustrations and I'm sure the Support Team will get a hold of you as soon as they can, but beings as this is a weekend I'm not sure how quick they can reach you!
I'm taking it that you don't want to do a factory reset?
Hopefully by Monday?

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • December 21, 2014
does anyone want to do a factory reset?  Really?  Do you actually work for them? this is a joke

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • December 21, 2014
Hi ivona
Excuse for interrupting here but, whilst also sensing your frustrations re. this issue, I would just like to clarify that the vast majority of us here, including Sherry, are volunteers (and DO NOT work for/are in any way commercially related to Webroot other than having purchased WSA) who give up of their time selflessly to try to help fellow users.
Here we can we try to provide advice base on experience from helping other users with similar problems. But we do not always suceed and so in the end need to pass the user onto the the Support Teamas they are the acknowledged experts when it comes to WSA.
They do work 24/7 and I have it on good authority that the Support function will be working all NON holiday days over Christmas and New Year, but over a weekend they may not respond as quickly as they are well known for please have some patience and I am sure that, as Sherry has already stated, they will get to you.
In an effort yo move things along I am pining @ our most excellent Community Manager to see if he can locate your ticket and perhaps get some focus on this for you.
Regards, Baldrick

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • December 22, 2014
I did see you ticket in there and I see you're had one round of email responses with one of our support agents.  If you're needing help more immediately you could call in and get on the phone and work with them realtime.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • December 22, 2014
yes you sent me the same response twice - to change the password - i did but a locked device will NOT UPDATE IT - did you miss that part?
I had to factory rest my phone and they told me in the store that MANY users are locked out of their phones and have to hard reset them.  The best part?  your mobile phone cannot even download a virus so good luck to all of you still using webroot for your phones and beware, this will sooner or later happen to you too.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • December 22, 2014
Unfortunately that's the way the security is designed.  Once the sim card has been removed, it won't unlock without the password.  That 's by design to protect your data.  You might want to use a password manager to store all your passwords to prevent this issue in the future.
