My son is away at college, not living with me. He had Webroot on his last computer but recently got a new one. I have room on my account to add a new user/computer. He and his email are listed under Users. His user shows: 2FA: disabled; Secure Anywhere: Admin; PC Security: Admin; Mobile Security: No Access; Passwords: Access. (I changed him to an admin so that he could add himself to the extra user available.)
He doesn’t have a password — perhaps he has one and has since lost it. He tried to get a new password sent to the email on file. It asked for certain characters of the security code. I provided the code I have. It didn’t work for him, so he couldn’t get in to download and set up.
Additionally, I am in the U.S. and he is in France.
How is this sort of thing done? Do I need to give him my user/password/key so that he can download the software? This seems prehistoric. Should be easier so I must be missing something. Any help much appreciated.