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My son is away at college, not living with me. He had Webroot on his last computer but recently got a new one. I have room on my account to add a new user/computer. He and his email are listed under Users. His user shows: 2FA: disabled; Secure Anywhere: Admin; PC Security: Admin; Mobile Security: No Access; Passwords: Access. (I changed him to an admin so that he could add himself to the extra user available.)

He doesn’t have a password — perhaps he has one and has since lost it. He tried to get a new password sent to the email on file. It asked for certain characters of the security code. I provided the code I have. It didn’t work for him, so he couldn’t get in to download and set up. 

Additionally, I am in the U.S. and he is in France.

How is this sort of thing done?  Do I need to give him my user/password/key so that he can download the software? This seems prehistoric. Should be easier so I must be missing something. Any help much appreciated.

Hello @mciac 


Send him a copy of your Keycode and send him this link to download WSA:  and just get him to install! He doesn’t need access to your online console. If he is not using the old system anymore you can Deactivate the system yourself from the online console:


Let us know how it goes!


