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Re: Webroot activation

  • 11 December 2012
  • 5 replies

I am having a hard time fully activating my Webroot fully.I entered the key and it took it but in my account under subscription it says not activated time remaing need to activate.What am I doing wrong.All other security systems I have ever used you put in the key,etc and your done.Please help.

Hi Chris,

Could you private message me the keycode you are attempting to use please?  I'll take a look and see if I can determine what's going on here for you.  Is the same keycode you believe you entered appearing on the Keycode line on the My Account screen?



*Issue was unique to the user.  This was successfully resolved via private message.
I have the same problem. On bouth products, Webroot Secure Anywhere Internet Security (3 licences) and Webrooth Complete (5 licences), on the My Account tab, under My Subscription, all computers show:

"Status: Not Activated

Time Renaming: Need to Activate"
Hi Saskaraz,

Are you referring to your Complete subscription or your Internet Security Plus subscription?
Both show the same (installed on different computers - 3 computers and android phone). Webroot works, is just that I cant see

the remaining time on the computers (2 have Internet Security Plus and 1 have Complete). I see it when I log in online on
An uninstallation and reinstallation may help in both cases.  However, I'm also going to send you a private message to ask a few more specific questions to help get to the bottom of the issue.  Please check for a private message from me that I'll be sending shortly.
