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BkUp/Sync prob ... might be user error

  • 2 December 2012
  • 11 replies

After a year of owning the product I have been trying to get sync to work ... and after many frustrating hours I decided to download the 'Backups User Guide' pdf.  Apparently when I purchased SecureAnywhere I set up the Backup Account ... but didn't download the backup component.  I don't have an option now (that I know of) to download the component and I don't have an "Open File Manager" button online in 'Backup & Sync'.  I can get into my online account ... no problem.  I can manually upload to this account ... but the sync functionality isn't there.


I've used WebRoot for years ... haven't paid too much attention to details because it does its AV work so well and so invisibly.

A year ago I bought into the SecureAnywhere product ... but I'm not sure which (Complete or Essential) it is.  When I go to the upgrade page it tells me I have 'Complete' with 2Gb storage and 5 months remaining.  I though Complete had 5 Gb ... so not sure what I have.  My local WebRoot says "Beta".  When I click 'Check for software updates' it says I'm on the latest version.


Do I need to uninstall and reinstall?  I downloaded a new installer program but when I fired it up it just brought up my existing WebRoot screen. 


Thanks in advance for any help or direction ...


11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Heelo MauiJimK and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.
MikeR should be online today to help you but if you feel you can't wait I would suggest that you Submit a Support Ticket as they are online 24/7.
Userlevel 7
Hello MauiJimK, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃
Not sure if you're asking for an acknowledgement ... but yes, I have
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I see that MikeR is online so he will guide you from here in! ;)
Userlevel 7
I have performed an update on the backend and you should be able to access Backup & Sync after a fresh uninstall, reboot, and reinstall of SecureAnywhere. Please use the keycode I have sent you in a private message and try to set up your Backup & Sync through the program after you have reinstalled.
Using Backup & Sync
I'm guessing I'll also need to uninstall/reinstall the WSA I loaded on my wife's laptop yesterday ... right?
Will the files I manually backed up to my storage be accessible? ... if so I hope to be able to sync to their folders ... if not, will they be deleted from the cloud - or just live there forever?
Userlevel 7
Your account was still showing as an Essentials subscription so you will need to set up your Backup & Sync settings once again now that it has been upgraded to Complete. If the backup files still exist, you will be able to access them from your MyWebroot account after clicking the Backup & Sync tab they will be on the left hand column under Files & Folders. Once you locate the files you can then download them (the link below explains this process).
Downloading a file from Backup & Sync
Monday Morning Follow up ....
After reinstalling yesterday everything looked good.  In the WebRoot online BkUp/Sync I clicked on 'Devices' then 'Storage Folders' and the two local folders I was trying to sync were there as well as the 'Anywhere' folder.
This morning my two local folders are no longer on that screen and they have not synced.  
Any ideas?
Userlevel 7
The purpose of the Anywhere Folder is for files that you would like synced. Now that you have reinstalled and the upgrade to SecureAnywhere Complete is finished, please place the folders and files you wish to be synced into the Anywhere Folder and test if it is syncing correctly.
I recommend using the Anywhere Folder for your syncing needs as we are working on advancements specifically around the backup functionality that will be more useful in the future. If you would like to be walked through the current backup process, you can Open a Support Ticket and provide a number and callback time for a remote session with a technician.
I think I have it figured out now.
It's not as intuitive as I would like and the documentation regards linking folders ... and what is done online and what is done locally is not very clear.
Once my light went on ... looks like it will work really good !!!
Thanks Mike.
I didn't want to shoehorn my existing folders into the 'Anywhere' folder ... and definitely didn't want to create duplicate folders there.
I went to my local Webroot screen ... BkUp/Sync tab --> 'Sync is on' --> 'Change Settings' --> 'Synchronized Folders' --> 'Add Custom Folder'  --> 'Browse' ..... it immediately synced with my existing online folders that I had manually uploaded files to over the weekend.
Not sure if there is a difference in functionality in the 'custon' folders vs. the 'Anywhere' ... but this looks good now.
Thanks for your help.
