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In My Account on line, Security tab, it shows the devices protected under a given Keycode. For each, it shows the actual Device Name of that device. There is a pencil icon, which allows me to change that to a more convenient name (it shows the actual name, in smaller letters,  below that). However, it then changes the name back to the default (i.e.: actual name of device). How do I prevent it from changing the name back?

Hello @EJ27 

When you changed the name, did you hit the “Saved” button after changing the name? If you did and it still goes back to the default name, I would contact Support because there is probably a problem on the back end of your account. I changed my name from Davids to David and it worked. (see below)

Webroot Support:

Submit a ticket 24/7/365

Call 1-866-612-4227  during the week Mon - Fri 7 AM to 5:30 PM (MDT)

Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.


Thanks, David.

Everything you show is consistent with what I get - as far as it goes. However, if I then leave that page, and then come back to it,  it reverts to the original name. (Sorry for not being clearer in my original post.)

@EJ27 I think you found a “Bug” in the system. I changed the name again on the device, went to another page and even logged off the account. When logged back into the account, Bingo! The device went back to the default name. I suggest contacting Support for this Bug and I’ll ping @TylerM the Community Manager to see if he can follow up on this bug. When reporting this to Support refer to your post here on the forum. Thanks for reporting!

Hey @ProTruckDriver is that from the newer online console?


From the current old online console! Also on a Windows system you would need to change the name in Windows first then it should show up on the online console.




With a Mac I don’t know?



@TripleHelix  That’s the new online console. I also have some other issues with the new console, like deleting the old computers that are not using Webroot and transferring keycodes from the old console to the new console.  I’m going to send in a Support ticket.
