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I'm not 100% sure but some various sites (Youtube, Facebook - sometimes, another site) they will be alright but then after around 2-4 hours when/if I refresh a page or go anywhere on the site it loses all of it's HTML and everything; all background disappears and page layout becomes very rough.




Clearing your browsers cache and cookies usually resolves such issues, or clicking Ctrl+F5.
How can I fix this? I have went through the cleanup settings and I believe I unselected cache cleanup, but is there a way to get it back without restarting the PC?


Okay - edit:


What is it that causes this problem? I've doen the cleanup multiple times even before reconfiguring it to not clear the cache, but thankfully the Ctrl F5 helped magically, thank you!
Hi Internal,

You want to make sure that you clear the cache. Do not unselect clearing it.
Well all of this started when I first started clearing the caches.
