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No matter how many times I try, after SecureAnywhere restart, or system reboot, some settings I change are reset to default.


In my case these settings are:

- Scan Settings -> "Show the "Authenticating Files" popup...

- Access Control -> Require the (..) CAPTCHA (...) critical (...)


I did not change much, so I do not know how many more can be affected.

But some of the setting stay permanent, for example reducing logging or resource usage.


After changing setting I get warning about possible settings override from WebConsole. As I chose  "User Configuration"  for every registered PC, I do not understand this whole situation.


Hello Just6669 and welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


Go into your My Webroot account and click on PC Security and click on the PC that your having the issue with and check to make sure it's set to User Configuration and then go back and save your configuration again and that should do it. If not try a clean reinstall? Uninstall reboot and download a fresh copy from Here or if you are using the Best Buy version for subscription software and install also make sure you have a copy of your keycode as you will need it to install and let it finish it's install routine then reboot again then setup the way you like it and let us know if your Configuration sticks. I'm assumeing that this problem is still an issue but I'm not sure so have a look Here.






Well, thanks for trying, but as I wrote every PC is set in console to "User Configuration".

Of course I tried to reinstall SecureAnywhere before creating this topic. It did not help.


Just changed "Security Setting" in Console from "User Configuration" to "User Configuration".

It was nonsense , but it helped, now SA remember these settings. So, the problem may be in WebConsole itself showing wrong Security Setting before you change it manually.
Thanks for the info! A Webroot staff member will see this and make a comment!


There have been a few other users report this behavior through the support system. Thanks for reporting back your workaround! I was about to suggest something similar when I saw the topic. Development will investigate the cause of this oddity and get it taken care of.
I'm having this problem now on a clean reinstall and I tried everything above 😠 Any more news on this Jim? And it is some settings not all.


I don't have any additional information, but I can try to reproduce it again. Which settings specifically seem to reset themselves?
Under settings I Max out all the sliders and it goes back to default after reboot , Basic Config, Scan Schedule, and basically all but the Heuristics settings go to default. I also tried a few reboots and it goes back to default, I went into My Webroot and selected User Config and click save again even though it was already set to User Config and I did this a few times.


I'm not sure this is the same issue as what was originally being discussed.

That said, are you remembering to click "Save All" after adjusting the settings to the positions you expect them to remain at?

After you've adjusted the sliders, are you making further adjustments to the checkboxes deeper into Advanced Settings?


I tried to reproduce this on both an XP and a Win7 computer, and it doesn't reproduce for me.  If you suspect there is some step being left out of the reproduction, please let me know what you think it might be.
I never had this problem before and yes I "Save All" a few times with "Captcha" also.


Ok, but to my second question, after you've adjusted the sliders, are you making further adjustments to the checkboxes deeper into Advanced Settings?
Yes. New info everything is sticking now except under Heuristics I set Offline & USB to "Warn when new programs execute that are not trusted" and it goes back to default after reboot "Apply advanced heuristics before Age/Popularity heuristics". But other wise like I said everything is keeping it's settings Beta v8.0.2.120.


It's gone back to default again so I don't know what's up?


OK I was talking to JoeJ the V.P. of Development he told me to do all my settings and shut down the Client then reboot and now the settings are sticking on every reboot. ;)


Daniel 😃
I tried to replicate it myself, but no luck.


Win Vista, SP1, WSA Complete Build
I don't know the reason why this method worked as I told Joe and he has not replied at this point. ;)


It seems to be a rather random issue in when it shows up.... which is the kind of thing that makes the techs pull hair out trying to replicate.
@DavidP wrote:

It seems to be a rather random issue in when it shows up.... which is the kind of thing that makes the techs pull hair out trying to replicate.

I was doing some of that also "Pulling Hair Out" LOL


Thanks for sharing, Daniel. Just to be clear, you customized your settings, right-clicked Webroot to shut it down (and entered the captcha), and then rebooted to make the settings stick?
@ wrote:

Thanks for sharing, Daniel. Just to be clear, you customized your settings, right-clicked Webroot to shut it down (and entered the captcha), and then rebooted to make the settings stick?

You got it! And now I have unchecked "Allow SecureAnywhere to be shut down manually" and rebooted and everything is still all set! ;)


Thank you so much for sharing this information! Sounds like your machine is locked with lock and key (and you have hidden the key). 😃
It's not solved as Joe asked me to change some settings and reboot and after reboot it reverted back to the way I had set. So it looks like Joe wants to do a remote session with him when he has time to do so, I will update this thread. ;)


@ wrote:

It's not solved as Joe asked me to change some settings and reboot and after reboot it reverted back to the way I had set. So it looks like Joe wants to do a remote session with him when he has time to do so, I will update this thread. ;)



Keep us updated... I am rather interested in seeing how it turns out.
OK all fixed in a Future Build it was something that had to be fixed in/for the registry as the OS wasn't telling WSA it was shutting down so Joe used a debugging build and that one worked so he put me back on the build I was on because it wasn't showing in the action center. Another bug bites the dust. ;)


So, if you change Webconsole protection settings to "user defined" while client application is running on a PC, client does not become aware of it in realtime.

My guess is :  local client keeps resetting setting after restart, because in last downloaded setup client was set to sync settings with WebConsole. So, while shutting down (or after restart?) client tries to sync settings with central database.

I do not know how does central management work after setting PC to "user defined", maybe it allows to download last setup , maybe sync fails and client restores settings from local backup.


You can easily confirm this desync : while saving changed settings locally you see a warning popup "this computer is managed from Webconsole" or sth. similar.

Although on Web you see "user settings".


What I just tried is:

- shut down local client

- change Webconsole settings to "medium" and than back to "user settings".

- start local client


No more "(...) managed from Webconsole (..)" popup.


No luck, "Show auth. popup (...)" keeps enabling itself although it was disabled through whole session after unchecking tickbox.

It`s a Client issue as I have my online console set to User Configuration. For a work around set it up the way you want it then shut down the WSA Client then reboot and the settings will stick! As I said above this will be fixed in a coming new build I just don`t know when.




