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When I am in Password Manager on Windows 8, a big black box covers the top half of my entries. Why?

  • October 31, 2014
  • 2 replies

When I am in Password Manager on Windows 8, a big black box covers the top half of my entries. Why?
I have to go to an older computer to be able to read and edit my entries.

2 replies

  • Moderator
  • 21828 replies
  • October 31, 2014
Hi jimandbob,
Sorry you are having these issues. But have you ever issued a Support Ticket concerning these problems? It's s free service with a subscription!
Does anybody else have any ideas here on the Forum?

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • October 31, 2014
Hi jimandbob
@ wrote:
When I am in Password Manager on Windows 8, a big black box covers the top half of my entries. Why?
I have to go to an older computer to be able to read and edit my entries.
May I ask as exactly where you are seeing this in the Password Manager as there is a component that you access in your browser for editing purposes etc., and there is also the main Password Manager interface that one access via your browser and is the full editor/manager.
I am guessing that it is the latter rather than the former but to know which might help us come up with some assistance for you.
Many thanks in anticipation of your reply.
Regards, Baldrick
