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Windows 8.1 Compatibility

Gold VIP
OK, let me say up front that I am fully aware that Preview and Beta OS builds are not officially supported.  That said, I do wonder what the current state of the code is in terms of compatibility with the current Windows 8.1 Preview release?

Best answer by Rakanisheu Retired

WSA works on the new build, I have a copy of an older build of WSA running on the 8.1 preview and the newest build running on the official 8.1 release. The MS tool is incorrect so I would ignore what it says about our software. 
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Gold VIP
@DavidP wrote:
OK, let me say up front that I am fully aware that Preview and Beta OS builds are not officially supported.  That said, I do wonder what the current state of the code is in terms of compatibility with the current Windows 8.1 Preview release?
I'm going to install 8.1 in my VM in a few minutes and I will let you know. 😉 It might take awhile?

Gold VIP
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  • June 29, 2013
@ wrote:
@DavidP wrote:
OK, let me say up front that I am fully aware that Preview and Beta OS builds are not officially supported.  That said, I do wonder what the current state of the code is in terms of compatibility with the current Windows 8.1 Preview release?
I'm going to install 8.1 in my VM in a few minutes and I will let you know. 😉 It might take awhile?
Let me know how that comes out... inquiring minds want to know 🙂

Gold VIP
Well I finally got Windows 8.1 x64 Preview installed and Webroot SecureAnywhere is working great with the Preview!

Daniel ;)

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  • June 29, 2013
Very nice! My only comment is that I believe the install process took somewhere over 12 hours if my watch is correct....


Gold VIP
@DavidP wrote:
Very nice! My only comment is that I believe the install process took somewhere over 12 hours if my watch is correct....

Well let's see?
1. Downloaded 3.5GB ISO install file burned the ISO to DVD tried to install a few times last night got frustrated. :@
2. Went back to check if there was another download then I find out I downloaded the wrong one and proceeded to download the correct 3.5GB ISO and burned it to a DVD disk this morning and it installed just fine. :@
So did I have fun well maybe am I a dope yes when I'm tired, I downloaded 7GB so a waste of Bandwidth in the end I'm Happy because WSA works well! Priceless :D
Incorrect one.

Correct one.

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  • June 29, 2013
I wish I had a dollar for every wrong download I have done... I would be rich LOL!

Thank you for the report on it.. I greatly appreciate the info. To be honest, it is as I expected: while not supported officially while 8.1 is in Preview I seem to recall last year Webroot did not have much trouble with Windows 8 when it was in Preview status either.

Gold VIP
That is right as I installed it when Win 8 first came out. ;)

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  • June 29, 2013
Oh how glad I am that I decided to become active here... I love the teamwork here and the sharing of experiences! Thanks again Daniel!

Rakanisheu Retired
I spent a while yesterday whitelisting a large number of the 8.1 updates and have tested it on my VM. If anybody sees any usual behaviour please let me know.

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
I spent a while yesterday whitelisting a large number of the 8.1 updates and have tested it on my VM. If anybody sees any usual behaviour please let me know.
Thanks Buddy! ;)

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • July 7, 2013
I have the newsest Webroot installed on 3 x Windows 8.1 Pro machines.
Odd intermittent freezes/launch failures in Firefox 22.0 noted with Webroot installed (none without).
Generally ok but some very occassional intermittent OS freezes that go away if you wait (none without webroot).
Not enough data to judge the cause but suspicious of Webroot implicated.

Gold VIP
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  • July 7, 2013
@ wrote:
I have the newsest Webroot installed on 3 x Windows 8.1 Pro machines.
Odd intermittent freezes/launch failures in Firefox 22.0 noted with Webroot installed (none without).
Generally ok but some very occassional intermittent OS freezes that go away if you wait (none without webroot).
Not enough data to judge the cause but suspicious of Webroot implicated.
Hello again Chris!
Thank you for the input!  While I am not employed by Webroot and I do not work with the developers, I do know that reports of possible glitches are usually appreciated.  As Windows 8.1 is a "Preview" (Beta), it cannot be supported, but receiving word of small gitches at this time may be help to the developers so that the problems have been corrected before Windows 8.1 goes into "retail release".

Gold VIP
Hello Chris and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.
I'm running Win 8.1 64bit and Firefox 22 works perfectly find for me it could be related to one of your add-ons?




Gold VIP
Chris I'm assuming that you are using Win 8.1 32bit if you are please do a scan with WSA after Right Click on the Tray Icon and Save a Scan Log and have a look to see if you have many [u] files related to Win 8.1 32bit and that could be the issue can you please let us know how many [u] files show up? As I still have quit a few like 50 of them that I need to Submit a Support Ticket so they can gather more info from me so I assume that you will have to do the same.

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • July 9, 2013
Hi TH!
Windows 8.1 Pro (Build 9431) 64bit on all my machines.
Roughly 200 [U} files in my scan file.

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • July 9, 2013
I have 2 lappies running
Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Complete on Win 8.1 preview, Firefox 22 - so far no problems.
The third troublesome machine running identical software config had a couple of very (thought to be) minor changes to the WR default settings, as soon as these settings were returned to default the machine seems to have settled down.
I guess we can chalk this one up to 'fingers'. ;)

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
Hi TH!
Windows 8.1 Pro (Build 9431) 64bit on all my machines.
Roughly 200 [U} files in my scan file.
Hi Chris,
I sent in another scan log and most have been whitelisted and I have about 5 [u] files left so try another scan and have a look at a new scan log.

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • July 9, 2013
Hi Daniel,
Repeat scan still shows up hundreds of [u] files. (Windows 8.1 x64)
I have contacted support to ask if they want my logs for possible whitelisting.
Thanks for your suggestions!

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
Hi Daniel,
Repeat scan still shows up hundreds of [u] files. (Windows 8.1 x64)
I have contacted support to ask if they want my logs for possible whitelisting.
Thanks for your suggestions!
That's very strange as I'm using the same Win 8.1 Pro x64 but in a VM and I have 8 unknowns. The funny part is WSA still sees it as Windows 8 (Build 9200).
Windows 8 (Build 9200) 64bit (Hostname: TH-VMWIN8PROX64 - Local IP: )
Scan Started: Mon 2013-07-08 21:21:28
Files Scanned: 40134
Malicious Files: 0
Duration: 35s
Some legitimate files are not included in this log
[u] c:windowssystem32urlmon.dll [MD5: 772A3A417FD6393A368F760620C37225] [Flags: 00090400.14173]
[u] c:windowssysnativeurlmon.dll [MD5: 772A3A417FD6393A368F760620C37225] [Flags: 00090400.14173]
[u] c:windowssystem32mshtml.dll [MD5: E5D2727EB801903F4E11C2F45A61C7E1] [Flags: 00090000.14174]
[u] c:windowssysnativemshtml.dll [MD5: E5D2727EB801903F4E11C2F45A61C7E1] [Flags: 00090000.14174]
[u] c:windowssyswow64urlmon.dll [MD5: 52FE8399CD081778AAFFD5B927B7AF83] [Flags: 00080000.14175]
[u] c:windowssystem32syncengine.dll [MD5: 3D9E8F7244A0AF8A03E065EF241F6C3A] [Flags: 00090000.14176]
[u] c:windowssysnativesyncengine.dll [MD5: 3D9E8F7244A0AF8A03E065EF241F6C3A] [Flags: 00090000.14176]
[u] c:windowssyswow64mshtml.dll [MD5: 7F24B539D5638D20A932F250D9E5AC34] [Flags: 00080000.14177]
[g] c:windowssystem32wininet.dll [MD5: 51854E2A5005BB7E712D12F17AB178C4] [Flags: 00090410.7529]

Rakanisheu Retired
Hello Chris,
I have done some further whitelisting, my own 8.1 VM only has 3 [u]`s so hopefully this sorts your problem out. I would like you to run a deep scan for me in any case.
Open the Webroot Software:

1. Click PC Security in the top tab of the Webroot Secure Anywhere window.
2. Open the Scan tab.
3. Click the Custom Scan link.
4. The default scan option is "Deep". Click Scan.

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • July 10, 2013
Hi Roy,
Done & uploaded with wsalogs.


Rakanisheu Retired
From the logs its looks all good to me if you get any more issues either reply to this thread or reply to the support ticket.

Now that 8.1 has been released to everyone, I have a question.  I am running 8.1 Pro preview build 9431 and the MS upgrade assistant is reporting that SecureAnywhere is NOT compatible with WIndows 8.1. I thought I better run the upgrade assistant first....this is a concern. Is there any information on compatibility since the recent release of 8.1 ? Will a new download of the latest version of WSA after I update to 8.1 from 8.1 preview go as planned? 

Rakanisheu Retired
WSA works on the new build, I have a copy of an older build of WSA running on the 8.1 preview and the newest build running on the official 8.1 release. The MS tool is incorrect so I would ignore what it says about our software. 

Thank you!
