In the process of setting up a new laptop, it’s been a while since I’ve had to delete/deactivate a device from my Webroot console, I start by clicking on the “My Account” box within the Webroot app on one of my laptops (see Pic 1). Clicking that box takes me to ; I don’t recall ever conducting any business here. I eventually manage to log on and get to a somewhat user un-friendly page that lists my currently protected machines with names I don’t remember assigning (Pic 2). I’m not entirely convinced this page is legit even though I reached it directly through a link within my Webroot app. After some futile attempts at getting some actual customer service I stumbled across another page that looks way more familiar/legit ( ); it also has my machines listed with names that I remember assigning (Pic 3). Aside from the assigned computer names all the other info (keycode, version) indicates this is the same account on each page. My big question is why in the world is my Webroot account accessible from two different sites and why is one displaying info slightly off from the other? Was one of these pages supposed to get phased out and it never happened? More worrysome is that the page which appears to be less legit is the one that’s easier to access through my Webroot app.