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What would cause WSA to seize and slingshot my 'last scan run' from 2 hours to 6 days?

As you know, I'm a complete blank slate when it comes to all things tech, which is why I love my WSA Complete so much.
However, I have a question.  My nephew was using my computer and he said that he got the WSA warning that said the site he was trying to go to showed a high risk and he said he tapped on the 'Get me out of here' tab and then closed out of everything and let me know what happend because at home he doesn't have access to a laptop or is familiar with WSA.
Anyway, he was so rattled by the experience that I went in so that could run an immediate scan ( I run a scan every time I am on line right before I end my session so that I can have everything checked thru the WSA database before logging off ).
When I tapped on the WSA icon that I have pinned to my toolbar to open up the WSA window where I can run the scans, optimize, etc., it said that instead of having run a scan 2 hours before ( which I had done ) to not having run a scan for 6 days.
Now, I know that wasn't possible, because of my compulsive use of the scan now feature.  So, I clicked on the scan now icon to run a scan and make sure that he hadn't accidentally gone somewhere that attacked my computer.
The minute I clicked on the 'scan now' tab, the scan windo opened and it froze at 1% and it said that it was searching for 'rootkits' and that was where it froze up and didn't unfreeze.
This worried me so I canceled the scan and tried again, having the same result, not once but twice.  Now good and rattled, I closed everything and did a restart on my computer which took care of the problem with the 'scan now' featue freezing up, it ran completely all the way through.
I then ran the optimize feature which took a bit longer but it did what it was supposed to do, so I then went ahead and ran another scan and everything was perfect.
Could it have been some odd little glitch or should I be worried that my nephew accidentally got to someplace he shouldn't have and opened up my system to some kind of virus or something that attacked my WSA Complete and caused this issue?
I am hoping that is not the case, but any help, advice or, perhaps, similar experiences would be a huge weight off my mind.
Thank you in advance for your help!

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Gold VIP
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  • May 2, 2015
Hi gr8auntteffie
Have never come across this myself but have eard of it happening occassionally.
My recommendation is that in the circumstances I undertake an uninstall/clean reinstall and then check again to see if the issue persists.  Just in case an 'old hand' like has not not yet twigged how to do the uninstall/install 'two step' then here are the steps...;)
  • Make sure you have a copy of your Keycode
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click here)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
and if the issue persists then I would Open a Support Ticket as this behaviour is certainly a typical.
Do let us know how you get on re. this.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • May 2, 2015
Hi, Baldric!

Just reading the uninstall/reinstall steps makes my palms sweat with trepidation, THAT's how tech blank I am!

With regard to my keycode, is that the original key code when I purchased the original product, or the keycode that I was given a few days ago when I renewed my subscription for WSA Complete for 2 more years?

Thanks again for the instructions and the quick response. I think my nephew was probably doing what teenagers do and since I'm so tech backward I wouldn't know what to really be worried about or not, so I worry about EVERYTHING.


Gold VIP
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  • May 2, 2015
Hi gr8auntteffie
I  understand but there is no need to worry...I uninstall & reinstall WSA regulalrly...for all sorts of reasons and the processe is really easy/straightforward.  I should be around this afternoon should you need assistance but I am sure that there will be other members around and happy to assist if required. :D
With regard to your keycode; use the one that you are using now, prior to the uninstall, especially if it has a few days left to run before it actually could use the new one you were given a few days ago when you renewed your subscription, which would then open up/make accessible the additoinal features that one will have as a result of moving from Antivirus to Complete, but you would then lose the remaining days on your current Antivirus subscription.  The choice is yours
And by the way, changing from Antivirus to COmplete does not require an uninstall/ just enters the new keycode and then one activates it (we can help you with this as well when the time comes. if required).

Go ahead, you should be fine.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • May 2, 2015
Hi, Baldric!

Thanks for the information! It's always nice to hear from someone who knows what they are talking about and are calm, because it helps to calm me down.

I did want to clarify one thing, I have always had WSA Complete, I simply renewed for 2 more years when I received my notification that my current subscription would end on 6/7. Knowing how easy the product is to use and how headache-free the scans are, there was really no other choice for me. And, based on what you have said, since I am simply extending my subscription, I should continue to use the original produce key code that I receive when I purchased my original 1 year subscription.

But, you did bring up a point that I wanted to ask you a question about:

When I run my daily scans to make sure that nothing untoward has gotten into my computer, does my WSA Complete also get updates about new malware, viruses, etc., during the course of the scanning process?

Or, is there someplace that I need to visit here at Webroot that allows me to upload the new virus, malware, worm protections?

As I said, I am completely lost when it comes to tech things.

Thanks again for your patience and your help!

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • May 3, 2015
Hi gr8auntteffie
Firstly, thanks for the thanks...and you are very welcome indeed. It is great to make friends here and to be able to chat and assist others like you, and also to get assistance ones know one knows it all. ;)
OK, to the clarifications: if you received a new keycode as a result of your renewal then use that. If you received just confirmation of your renewal and no new keycode then the answer is obvious...nothing to enter.  
Now I am guessing from what you are asking that you have received a new keycode so if you have then do not enter it until the date of expiry as it will start running when entered and if you enter it before expiry you will effectively lose any time you have left on your existing keycode.
Very importantly, if running the Complete version, as you are, and you enter a new keycode (but only if a new keycode is involved) then you must contact support/submit a support ticket and ask them to move your Password Manager & Backup & Syn-related data from the old to the new keycode.  The reason for this is that the access to the data is keyed to the keycode and obviously if you change keycode yo will not be able to access data keyed under the old keycode when using the new keycode.  If you have to do this and run into any issues do come back here and we can see if Nic can sort things out (as he usually can ;)).
So in simple terms, if you have been sent a new keycode by Webroot as part of your renewal then use that otherwise you should continue with your current keycode as the additional time should have been added to that.
WIth regards to daily scan...firstly you should not need to run any manually as by default, scans run automatically every day, at about the same time you installed SecureAnywhere, i.e., if you installed WSA at 8 p.m., it always launches a scan around 8 p.m. But you can change that to suit...if you want to and do not know how then just let me know.  And by the way, the default scan is referred to as a deep scan, which checks your entire computer for rootkits, trojans and other threats.  And that scan should be sufficient scanning protection.
Now, in terms of updates here is the beauty of how WSA works...there is no need for you to get updates about new malware, viruses, etc., as during the course of the scanning process WSA uploads details of the files that it scans and they are checked for malware in the WIN (Webroot Intelligence Network) or Cloud to you and me...;).  The Cloud malware definitions are being constantly updated centrally so that WSA detections should always be current...without any of the traditional need to download & update definitions on your local system.
The following diagram tries to encapsulate the process:

Plus, even when not scanning WSA protects you; the philosphy is that a dormant/inactive piece of malware is not a threat is not active...stands to reason but WSA is ever vigilant and checks every file/program that attempts to execute and if it detects malware it blocks it even outside the scan you are protected.  Of course any file/program deemed to be good is allowed to execute.  And again all of that checking is done in the Cloud.
Finally, you don't even have to get program updates for WSA...these are 'pushed' to the user silently (so silently in fact that often yo will find yourself on a new version without realising that you have been updated. :D
So, hoping that something in this rambling response is of use/that I have answered your questions adequately?  If not then please come back here and pose further questions.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • May 8, 2015
I've been looking for the way to uninstall and then reinstall the program but I am coming up blank. is there some way I have to do it through Windows 8 instead of WSA itself?

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  • May 8, 2015
Hello @,
Are you referring to uninstalling Webroot?
  • Windows 8:  [list]
  • Move your cursor to the bottom right of the screen to open the Charm Bar menu. Click Search, then type "appwiz.cpl" (without quotes), and press Enter on your keyboard.
  • This will open your Control Panel to the list of all programs currently installed on your computer.
  • Scroll down the programs list until you see the Webroot security product.
  • Click the Webroot security product entry once to select it, then click Uninstall/Remove.
  • When asked if you are sure you want to uninstall, click Yes to continue.
  • If prompted with a CAPTCHA, enter the requested characters and click Enter.

    Webroot removes itself from your computer.[/list]Then you can do a clean reinstall as Baldrick has advised in previous post.
    Please follow the steps closely!
    • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example:SA69-AANA-A783-DE78-C584
    • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
    • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
    • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
    • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings if asked to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
    • Let it finish it's install scan
    • Reboot once again
    Please let us know if that resolves your issue?
    Kind Regards,

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    • May 8, 2015
    should I not reinstall with the former settings that were selected with the initial installation?

    • Moderator
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    • May 8, 2015

    Please don't import old settings. We need a clean install. You can change settings later.


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    • May 28, 2015
    Well, I did the uninstall and reinstalled the program and just this evening it pulled the freezing business and then the slingshot back where it said that there hadn't been any scans run for 9 days when I knew that was incorrect.

    At this point, do I need to open up a service ticket?

    • Moderator
    • 21834 replies
    • May 28, 2015
    Hi @,
    If you are having continuos issues with Webroot then yes you certainly can submit a Support Ticket.
    Please let us know if this gets resolved or not ok?
    Kind Regards,

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    • June 4, 2015
    I spoke with a great technician who got into my system to see what was causing the problem but because it wasn't actually happening at that moment he couldn't determine what the glitch was. Still, it made me feel a little better just to have him in there! I hope that it will resolve itself after the few tweaks he made for me so I have my fingers crossed!

    Thanks again for all your help!

    • Retired Webrooter
    • 725 replies
    • June 4, 2015
    Hello @,

    Please keep us posted if you see this issue again.
    I was able to locate your ticket and see that they agent was unable to recreate the issue.

    It could be related to the connection you use(which I doubt) or could even be a system error depending on the age and disk integrity of the machine.

    Please keep us updated and we will do whatever we can to help.

    Best Regards,

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    • June 4, 2015
    Hi, JamesG! Believe me, I will most definitely keep in touch since I'm so tech backward and I am so worried about things happening to my stuff. In fact, I had a weird credit card hacking incident just a few hours ago that got reported to me today and so security is more important to me than EVER, and it was REALLY important before someone posted my cc information on some hacker site! Your tech folks and the awesome people here in these forums are really fantastic! I wish I was as skilled as they were at utilizing all of this information and processes but feel fantastic because I know this product is keeping my information safe!