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Changed password problems

I recently changed my password on the secureanywhere web interface and it works fine, but when I want to go into Password tab on the webroot site it shows " try again later or wait 5 minutes". Image of popup

The other problem I'm having is the webroot password manage app for firefox wants me to use the old password to log on not the new password.

I have closed firefox cleared cache and cookies restarted the pc and still having the problem.

Thank you


P.S. This was post to support and they wrote back on how to change my primary  email.

59 replies

Userlevel 4
Hi Baldrick
well, alrighty then! it's still to early for that in Texas, but you have yourself a good night!!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hi @ since Geek Squad can't help you please Submit a Support Ticket and let the Webroot Support Experts find out what your issue is and please let us know what they come up with! I'm with Baldrick I don't and ever seen this issue but interested in the outcome. Even add this link to this thread in the Ticket so they can see what has been talked about!
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
geez!! that was quick!!  lol i just got done msg'n you  ..  take a look at this please
Hi Triple Helix
To get a better understanding of what's really going on with what I am experiencing please see Maybe.jpg...
and then Guess Not.jpg...
due to the fact that this is some sort of password problem on the Webroot side i can not submit a ticket. i input my email & it goes to the password page, any input there just clears the password field
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
geez!! that was quick!!  lol i just got done msg'n you  ..  take a look at this please
Hi Triple Helix
To get a better understanding of what's really going on with what I am experiencing please see Maybe.jpg...
and then Guess Not.jpg...
Hello bogeyman459,
Welcome to the Forum! I need to tell you to remove your email address for Security purposes Please...
Hopefully we can get this straigthened out for you with our technical support team!
Userlevel 4
i am such a dummy, forgot to redact
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
i am such a dummy, forgot to redact
No we all make mistakes! I just didn't want to have to delete your know?;)
Its better if you do it Thank you!!
Userlevel 4
it turns out the links didn't change, and i haven't even edited them back in??!?  lol
but i took care of that issue, thank you so much!
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
it turns out the links didn't change, and i haven't even edited them back in??!?  lol
but i took care of that issue, thank you so much!
Hi bogeyman459, No problem! Your welcome!
We all help eachother out in this Forum Community!:D
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
geez!! that was quick!!  lol i just got done msg'n you  ..  take a look at this please
Hi Triple Helix
To get a better understanding of what's really going on with what I am experiencing please see Maybe.jpg...
and then Guess Not.jpg... 
due to the fact that this is some sort of password problem on the Webroot side i can not submit a ticket. i input my email & it goes to the password page, any input there just clears the password field
Add those Links to the pictures to the Ticket as well!
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Do you have another email address you can use? If so use it and put your other email address in the Ticket and they will sort everything for you!
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
Hi TripleHelix
due to this password problem i can not submit a ticket. i can get past the input email page, but the input password page just clears the field when i "submit". please see these ideas
those were from an expired account... some screenshots from the new account
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Did you do a complete OS reinstall? Also did you deactivate the old entry for the same system on the online Console? Have a look at these 2 KB articles to see if you did it correct? and
Userlevel 4
Hi TripleHelix
Yes, that was the way i removed the duplicate Redacted-PC (that showed up after a complete system recovery) as well as the Laptop-PC shortly after it went through a system crash. I was hunting everywhere for a cure to the password problem and I found something that i wasn't looking for so i decided why not?
this idea has just occured to me and i am now fairly certain that this particular problem lies in the way the browser webroot toolbar interacts with the system. i am having the exact same problem as in the previous thread i posted "can not access program on my system" which had been solved (but only temporarily). i have uninstalled and reinstalled the toolbar. and it works good for the first time i log in, after that it's gone back to the oldest password i ever started with.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Hi TripleHelix
Yes, that was the way i removed the duplicate Redacted-PC (that showed up after a complete system recovery) as well as the Laptop-PC shortly after it went through a system crash. I was hunting everywhere for a cure to the password problem and I found something that i wasn't looking for so i decided why not?
When you say Recovery do you mean a system Recovery from a partition or a complete Windows Reinstall with the DVD?
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Did you try another Browser to Contact Support? Can you do it from another PC? You can call them as well just call the one closes to you!
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
Hi Daniel
yes, that is exactly what i mean not a restore or (i didn't even know this one existed until Windows 8.1, a "refresh") which is a cross between the restore and the recovery...  the refresh reinstalls the OS without effecting any user documents. it DOES however completely overwrites Program Files and Program Files (x86) thereby eleminating any programs you may have installed, unless you installed those programs somewhere under UsersUSERNAME.
the recovery was from the partition, not the 1 time only dvd's i was allowed to create
i just did use another browser on that link, but that "start here" button sent me to a place i had already been, perhaps a phone call is in order??!?  lol
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Hi Daniel
yes, that is exactly what i mean not a restore or (i didn't even know this one existed until Windows 8.1, a "refresh") which is a cross between the restore and the recovery...  the refresh reinstalls the OS without effecting any user documents. it DOES however completely overwrites Program Files and Program Files (x86) thereby eleminating any programs you may have installed, unless you installed those programs somewhere under UsersUSERNAME.
I think things are messed up because of the in place upgrade or refresh so your going to have to contact support some how to get it sorted as I think it's because how Webroot controls it's keycodes from being installed on more then you are aloud it's nothing we can do on the Community I will ping @ & @ and they will see this tomorrow during working hours. And Brian looks after the Best Buy Subscriptions on Webroot's end.
Sorry I couldn't help more,
Userlevel 4
Hi Dan
i just sent support an email with all of the pertinant links in this thread, if i don't get a response within a couple of days i will certainly give them call, thanks for that link, i didn't know a phone # for Webroot!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Hi Dan
i just sent support an email with all of the pertinant links in this thread, if i don't get a response within a couple of days i will certainly give them call, thanks for that link, i didn't know a phone # for Webroot!
Awesome and @ will get elevated tomorrow for sure! Just in case: 1-866-612-4268
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
Good Morning! to ALL following this thread :)
Here's the latest update
Sent: Tue 08/26/14 05:22
Your case has been created.
Case Details:
Case Number: 00289745
Status: 1. New
Subject: toolbar interaction with the webroot system
Thank you for contacting Webroot Software. We have received your request and your case will be assigned to a Webroot Support Engineer. We will respond to you as soon as possible. If you have a critical issue, or if you would like to receive an update on your case, please call for further assistance. Be sure to reference your case number, found in this email, when
speaking with the Support Engineer.
I'll be sure to keep the Webroot Community apprised of this situation as it develops
Also take a look at this screen shot for a teensy weensy bit more clarification.
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:

Good Morning! to ALL following this thread :)
Here's the latest update
Sent: Tue 08/26/14 05:22
Your case has been created.
Case Details:
Case Number: 00289745
Status: 1. New
Subject: toolbar interaction with the webroot system
Thank you for contacting Webroot Software. We have received your request and your case will be assigned to a Webroot Support Engineer. We will respond to you as soon as possible. If you have a critical issue, or if you would like to receive an update on your case, please call for further assistance. Be sure to reference your case number, found in this email, when
speaking with the Support Engineer.
I'll be sure to keep the Webroot Community apprised of this situation as it develops
Also take a look at this screen shot for a teensy weensy bit more clarification.
Great News Albert! The Support Engineers are usually pretty quick to get back to you.;)
I'm happy to know that your persistance in this issue is paying off, for you are feeling a whole lot better! And of course knowing that Baldrick and TripleHelix, Our Forum gurus assisted delingently regarding this issue.
Please let us know when this problem is resolved so that we may help others.
We appreciate all your feeback in this matter greatly!
Have a nice day In Texas!
Best Regards.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Glad to hear you finally got the ticket created - if that hadn't been successful then I would have submitted the request for you.  Let us know what support says!
Userlevel 4
Hi Sherry
Thank you! I will have a great day as long as you promise to do the same!!?!  :)
Userlevel 4
Hi nic
Thank you! It's good to know that there are buffed up people in this community that can 'push' 😉 stuff around!!?!  lol
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Kwel I would like to see what they come up with and why Best Buy Geek Squad couldn't help you? But as far as I know they don't have access to Webroot's back end online console?
Daniel 😉
