File named C:Program
Properties of the file indicate that it is 743 KB with a description of "Webroot SecureAnywhere" and is digitally signed as "Webroot Inc." with a digital signature timestamp of "Jan 14, 2014 7:36:45 AM". A hexdump of the file shows at the top the standard "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" and at the bottom, there appears things like "Company Name - Webroot", etc.
We have had WRSA installed for a couple of years and did not do anything special yesterday. Do you know what this file is, and why it is labled as Webroot? Also, is this an automatic update or something that went awry?
We have received reports that a file is located in the root directory called "program".
Customers experiencing this error may receive the following message:
File Name Warning: There is a file or folder on your computer called "C:Program" which could cause certain applications to not function correctly. Renaming it to :"C:Program1" would solve this problem. Would you like to rename it now?
Typically upon Windows boot, a message appears asking what program to open "program" with which alerts us to this issue. This file, "program" is actually WRSA.exe.
If you encounter this issue, simply shutdown WRSA from the tray icon, rename "program" to "program.exe" and uninstall using a modified uninstall command since the file is in a different location with a different name: "c:program.exe" -uninstall
Reinstall using the latest build which can be obtained via your online Webroot console.
This is an issue that does not happen very often and was only seen in a couple older builds. Support continues to monitor this as well.
Thank you, and please let us know if the issue persists,
Latest is a terminal server. Multiple users called asking about the strange error message about C:Program.
This issue isn't fixed after almost 2 years?
You can't run the "program.exe -uninstall" (yes as administrator), as you get a message like "since Webroot is centrally managed, you must uninstall using the console..." or similar.
The actual Webroot service somehow is morphed into running this "c:program" file, this is an obvious bug in the software.
Can't remove from add/remove programs either.
Not happy.
If that works it should take care of it. If not let me know and I can have support follow up with you.
We are actually transitioning to a new version of the web shield that should stop this from happening in the future. It's a gradual rollout though to minimize impact.
Good to know this is being fixed after 2 years.
Plus an explanation as to how this should suddenly occur after a couple of trouble-free years using Webroot.
Please reach out to our Business Support Team directly. They will be able to promptly walk you through the steps to resolve.
Business Technical Support: Call 1-866-254-8400
Open a Support Ticket:
First am running Windows 10 and just installed webroot at the start of June when I bought my new laptop
I had this same error message also when I started up this morning. So I googled it and came across this post in whih you say in your post
When I went to my tray Icon to shut down webroot the icon just disappeared so am guessing the program did not load in the first place since the icon just disappear?@ wrote:
If you encounter this issue, simply shutdown WRSA from the tray icon, rename "program" to "program.exe" and uninstall using a modified uninstall command since the file is in a different location with a different name: "c:program.exe" -uninstall
I did rename Program to Program.exe and the icon for the file chnaged to a webroot icon.
Secondly you mention to use a modified uninstall command. How do I go about doing that I figured it meant via a command prompt so I ran command prompt as admin and tried the line you gave but it gave me back an error say it could not be be done. Where do I need to enter this modified uninstall command?
- Sending the uninstall command from the business console.
- Manually deleting the "C:\Program" file.
- Reinstalling Webroot.
This happened on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter server after applying Windows Updates for February 2019.
FYI, this bug still appears to exist. I think I got rid of it by:
- Sending the uninstall command from the business console.
- Manually deleting the "C:\Program" file.
- Reinstalling Webroot.
This happened on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter server after applying Windows Updates for February 2019.
Its working
I had this happen today. It appears that the bug still exists. I got the message about C:\Program and renaming it on Windows 10 Home - Build 19042.746. On investigation, I found that Webroot SecureAnywhere was not running. I got it running, did a virus scan and ran Microsoft Defender scan to reasure myself that I had no viruses. I then deleted the file called Program, restarted my computer. I looked up the problem on the Internet and found that there had been a Webroot bug causing this. In hindsight, it does seem to have been associated with Webroot in my case, because Webroot failed to load when the problem happened. Also the C:\Program file was the same file size as WRSA.exe.
If you continue to have issues please Submit a Support Ticket and have them look into it for you to make sure all is working as it should.
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue. A reply from Support should take from 24 to 48 hours but could take a little longer because of COVID 19 and the Webroot Employees are busy working from home.
So far, it has not happened again. If it does I will submit a Support Ticket.
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