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- Firefox Password Manager toolbar no longer works
Firefox Password Manager toolbar no longer works
- February 25, 2018
- 229 replies
- Fresh Face
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm using Firefox 58.02 (64 bit). Up until the last few days, the password manager has worked just fine. Now, all of a sudden, when I try to log in to the manager it either says it can't contact the server or it says nothing at all and just never logs me in. This is happening in Firefox on multiple computers. The manager works just fine in Chrome.
Best answer by ROBERT1725
No kidding Sherry, I cant even manually get into my PM via my console. Keep getting an ajaxerror pop up.
Earlier in December I sent a Private Message inquiring about the status of the PM and got an " I cant say, but it looks like sometime in January " reply.
My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot.
If I buy a dozen eggs at Safeway and the checker breaks a few, I shouldn't be expected to pay for the broken ones AND pay for another dozen, hoping the checker doesn't break em again.
The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming. I'm curious as to what sort of monetary rebate or extended period of time, Webroot sufferers will get for putting up with their Boo-Boo .
Happy New Year 😃
View originalEarlier in December I sent a Private Message inquiring about the status of the PM and got an " I cant say, but it looks like sometime in January " reply.
My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot.
If I buy a dozen eggs at Safeway and the checker breaks a few, I shouldn't be expected to pay for the broken ones AND pay for another dozen, hoping the checker doesn't break em again.
The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming. I'm curious as to what sort of monetary rebate or extended period of time, Webroot sufferers will get for putting up with their Boo-Boo .
Happy New Year 😃
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229 replies
- New Voice
- 11 replies
- November 3, 2018
I was able to log in to the password manager but there are no passwords listed in my account. I have an open ticket and added this and now im being told my subscription expired 45 days ago which is complete hogwash. I have 108 days left on my subscription, i added screenshots of that as well as my purchase receipt.
- New Voice
- 39 replies
- November 3, 2018
Thank you Ssherjj, but can I then import it in to the stand alone Last Pass?
- Moderator
- 21839 replies
- November 3, 2018
Yes it sounds like you can import to Last Pass. I haven't done that yet "Importing" but the help site said you can.@ wrote:
Thank you Ssherjj, but can I then import it in to the stand alone Last Pass?
If you are currently using another password-management application, you can import data from that application into the Webroot Password Manager.
To import passwords by using the Webroot drop-down menu:
- Open a web browser and sign in to your SecureAnywhere account. (Click the “Webroot icon” in your browser’s toolbar, then enter your Webroot user name and password.) [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_signinbar.png[/img]
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Tools, then select Import From. [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_pmimportfrommenu.png[/img] A list of applications appears in a submenu.
- In the submenu, select from the list of password-management applications.
- Follow the on-screen instructions for importing passwords from that application. (Since every password application is unique, the instructions for importing data from each one is also unique.)
- Log in to my.webrootanywhere.com and click Passwords: [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_passwordclickportal.png[/img]
- Under MyIdentity actions, click Import data. [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_myidentityimport.png[/img]
- From the dialog, click the arrow next to the Import data from field and select a password management application. Click Continue. [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_passwordimportfrom.png[/img]
- Follow the on-screen instructions for importing passwords from that application. (Since every password application is unique, the instructions for importing data from each one is also unique.)
@ uses Last Pass. Can you assist here PTD?
Windows Insider, iMac 2021 27 in i5 Retina 5, iMac OS Sonoma (14.7.2}, Security: iPads, W 10 & (VM:15), ALIENWARE 17R4, W10 Workstation, ALIENWARE 15 R6, W11, Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Internet Security Complete (Android Samsung Galaxy Ultra Note 23, Webroot Beta Tester. Security
- Moderator
- 8912 replies
- November 3, 2018
Just alittle more from the Online Guide: https://docs.webroot.com/us/en/home/wsa_website_userguide/wsa_managementwebsite_userguide.htm#WorkingWithPasswords/ImportingAndExportingData.htm%3FTocPath%3DWorking%2520With%2520Passwords%7C_____8@ wrote:
Yes it sounds like you can import to Last Pass. I haven't done that yet "Importing" but the help site said you can.@ wrote:
Thank you Ssherjj, but can I then import it in to the stand alone Last Pass?
If you are currently using another password-management application, you can import data from that application into the Webroot Password Manager.
To import passwords by using the Webroot drop-down menu:
To import passwords from the Passwords site:
- Open a web browser and sign in to your SecureAnywhere account. (Click the “Webroot icon” in your browser’s toolbar, then enter your Webroot user name and password.) [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_signinbar.png[/img]
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Tools, then select Import From. [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_pmimportfrommenu.png[/img] A list of applications appears in a submenu.
- In the submenu, select from the list of password-management applications.
- Follow the on-screen instructions for importing passwords from that application. (Since every password application is unique, the instructions for importing data from each one is also unique.)
- Log in to my.webrootanywhere.com and click Passwords: [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_passwordclickportal.png[/img]
- Under MyIdentity actions, click Import data. [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_myidentityimport.png[/img]
- From the dialog, click the arrow next to the Import data from field and select a password management application. Click Continue. [img]https://sw.nohold.net/Webroot/Images/wsa_passwordimportfrom.png[/img]
- Follow the on-screen instructions for importing passwords from that application. (Since every password application is unique, the instructions for importing data from each one is also unique.) Also
@ uses Last Pass. Can you assist here PTD?
- Select one of the export options.A window displays asking for your SecureAnywhere master password.
- Enter your SecureAnywhere account password and click Sign In.
- Do one of the following:[list]
- If you selected Webroot CSV File or Webroot Encrypted File, the system prompts you for a file name and a directory to store that file.
- If you selected a browser, your password data will be exported into the browser’s built-in password manager.
Daniel - Microsoft MVP Consumer Security (2012-2016) Windows 10 Pro x64 for Workstations 22H2 on my Alienware 17R2 and Alienware 17R5 Laptops with Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester for PC & Android Moto G9 Plus OS 11. "Take Them to the Train Station" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Moderator
- 21839 replies
- November 3, 2018
Hi @ ,
Sorry to hear you are having these issues. Webroot Support can help you with your Webroot subscription. Okay?
Hopefully they can assist you in your Password Management Console.
Sorry to hear you are having these issues. Webroot Support can help you with your Webroot subscription. Okay?
Hopefully they can assist you in your Password Management Console.
Windows Insider, iMac 2021 27 in i5 Retina 5, iMac OS Sonoma (14.7.2}, Security: iPads, W 10 & (VM:15), ALIENWARE 17R4, W10 Workstation, ALIENWARE 15 R6, W11, Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Internet Security Complete (Android Samsung Galaxy Ultra Note 23, Webroot Beta Tester. Security
- New Voice
- 11 replies
- November 3, 2018
thank you for all you do, I know there are many people becoming frustrated with this issue and you and the other mods have been doing a great job. Very much appreciated :D@ wrote:
Hi@ ,
Sorry to hear you are having these issues. Webroot Support can help you with your Webroot subscription. Okay?
Hopefully they can assist you in your Password Management Console.
- Moderator
- 21839 replies
- November 3, 2018
Why Thank you so much. It's so refreshing to hear something nice once in awhile . We appreciate your patience & understanding through all of this.@ wrote:
thank you for all you do, I know there are many people becoming frustrated with this issue and you and the other mods have been doing a great job. Very much appreciated :D@ wrote:
Hi@ ,
Sorry to hear you are having these issues. Webroot Support can help you with your Webroot subscription. Okay?
Hopefully they can assist you in your Password Management Console.
Have a great weekend! 😉
Windows Insider, iMac 2021 27 in i5 Retina 5, iMac OS Sonoma (14.7.2}, Security: iPads, W 10 & (VM:15), ALIENWARE 17R4, W10 Workstation, ALIENWARE 15 R6, W11, Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Internet Security Complete (Android Samsung Galaxy Ultra Note 23, Webroot Beta Tester. Security
- Retired Webrooter
- 1449 replies
- November 5, 2018
It mentions highlighted errors. What fields did it highlight?@ wrote:
Do you want to know how to export your passwords?
Please follow below:
To export data by using the Passwords site: Log in to my.webrootanywhere.com and click Passwords: Under MyIdentity actions, click Export data. From the dialog, enter your SecureAnywhere master password and click OK. The Export Data dialog opens, similar to the example below. In this dialog, you can see all the information for your sites, passwords, and Form Fill profiles. Click Save to File or Send to Printer. If you are saving a file, another dialog opens that allows you to select a file format, then click Export Data. If you are printing, your data is saved to an HTML page and another dialog opens where you can select a printer and click OK.
The Forum kept giving me an error when trying to post the diagrams.. I don't know what is up with that@ ? Strange...
- Moderator
- 21839 replies
- November 5, 2018
I can reproduced this error showing below:L@ wrote:
It mentions highlighted errors. What fields did it highlight?@ wrote:
Do you want to know how to export your passwords?
Please follow below:
To export data by using the Passwords site: Log in to my.webrootanywhere.com and click Passwords: Under MyIdentity actions, click Export data. From the dialog, enter your SecureAnywhere master password and click OK. The Export Data dialog opens, similar to the example below. In this dialog, you can see all the information for your sites, passwords, and Form Fill profiles. Click Save to File or Send to Printer. If you are saving a file, another dialog opens that allows you to select a file format, then click Export Data. If you are printing, your data is saved to an HTML page and another dialog opens where you can select a printer and click OK.
The Forum kept giving me an error when trying to post the diagrams.. I don't know what is up with that@ ? Strange...
Windows Insider, iMac 2021 27 in i5 Retina 5, iMac OS Sonoma (14.7.2}, Security: iPads, W 10 & (VM:15), ALIENWARE 17R4, W10 Workstation, ALIENWARE 15 R6, W11, Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Internet Security Complete (Android Samsung Galaxy Ultra Note 23, Webroot Beta Tester. Security
- Retired Webrooter
- 1449 replies
- November 5, 2018
- Moderator
- 21839 replies
- November 5, 2018
Thank you Lara!@ wrote:
I can reproduced this error showing below:L
Seems like there's something wrong with the HTML code on Lithium's end. I'll message you to get more details.
Windows Insider, iMac 2021 27 in i5 Retina 5, iMac OS Sonoma (14.7.2}, Security: iPads, W 10 & (VM:15), ALIENWARE 17R4, W10 Workstation, ALIENWARE 15 R6, W11, Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Internet Security Complete (Android Samsung Galaxy Ultra Note 23, Webroot Beta Tester. Security
- New Voice
- 39 replies
- December 30, 2018
Is there any update as to the progress on resolving this issue? I keep getting warnings from Firefox about the browser being out of date. Really, when you think about it, a program that is designed to promote security is causing many to take risks to be able to access their passwords.
- Moderator
- 21839 replies
- December 30, 2018
HI Kevvo.@ wrote:
Is there any update as to the progress on resolving this issue? I keep getting warnings from Firefox about the browser being out of date. Really, when you think about it, a program that is designed to promote security is causing many to take risks to be able to access their passwords.
I know this is pushing everyone's patience about this Password Manager issue in Firefox Please read this here: https://community.webroot.com/t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-Complete/Password-Manager-problem/m-p/334644/high
Unbelievable that this has gone on so long I'm not sure what is going on but it's supposed to to be a better Password Manager when said and done.
Sorry for the inconveniences.. Which doesn't say much when Firefox is wanting you to update for security reasons . etc..
Windows Insider, iMac 2021 27 in i5 Retina 5, iMac OS Sonoma (14.7.2}, Security: iPads, W 10 & (VM:15), ALIENWARE 17R4, W10 Workstation, ALIENWARE 15 R6, W11, Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ Internet Security Complete (Android Samsung Galaxy Ultra Note 23, Webroot Beta Tester. Security
- 221 replies
- Answer
- December 30, 2018
No kidding Sherry, I cant even manually get into my PM via my console. Keep getting an ajaxerror pop up.
Earlier in December I sent a Private Message inquiring about the status of the PM and got an " I cant say, but it looks like sometime in January " reply.
My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot.
If I buy a dozen eggs at Safeway and the checker breaks a few, I shouldn't be expected to pay for the broken ones AND pay for another dozen, hoping the checker doesn't break em again.
The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming. I'm curious as to what sort of monetary rebate or extended period of time, Webroot sufferers will get for putting up with their Boo-Boo .
Happy New Year 😃
Earlier in December I sent a Private Message inquiring about the status of the PM and got an " I cant say, but it looks like sometime in January " reply.
My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot.
If I buy a dozen eggs at Safeway and the checker breaks a few, I shouldn't be expected to pay for the broken ones AND pay for another dozen, hoping the checker doesn't break em again.
The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming. I'm curious as to what sort of monetary rebate or extended period of time, Webroot sufferers will get for putting up with their Boo-Boo .
Happy New Year 😃
- 5 replies
- December 31, 2018
I finally caved and downloaded and installed the free version of LastPass so that I could update Firefox. Hopefully, the new product will seamlessy import my passwords from LastPass, when (and if) Webroot ever gets around to fixing this mess. I just couldn't keep ignoring the warnings about Firefox being out of date
- 1122 replies
- December 31, 2018
Robert, it is that word “honour” that in a strange kind of way chimes with me. I never thought I’d say this but … despite the fact that I still believe Webroot offers the best malware protection out there, I nevertheless find myself questioning whether I feel comfortable continuing with Webroot as my AV. There are several factors that are pushing me to question my loyalty. It’s not just the Password Manager issue and in particular the way Webroot has been handling its communications (or, rather, its non-communication) with customers regarding this problem—though certainly their apparent “lack of concern” regarding this issue does trouble me—rather that issue has been one of several issues that seem to be symptoms of a wider attitude and corporate culture that I, like you, find “alarming”.@ wrote:
My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot...The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming.
When WSA was Prevx, in every respect the way they behaved seemed to communicate loudly and clearly that the customer was at the very centre of their whole business outlook. It sadly no longer feels that way.
I hope I shall find opportunities in different ways and through different posts in the near future to illustrate why I feel like this.
I don’t know how all this will play out for me. It may well be that I will continue with Webroot. But I fear that something sacred has been lost. And as a result it may be that, at the end of the day, I will be prepared to make some sacrifices in the area of robustness of protection if I can find another security company that values the customer more than Webroot appears to.
- Moderator
- 8912 replies
- December 31, 2018
I have been seeing this going on for more than 2 years so it's just getting worse IMO. Maybe the CMO@ wrote:
Robert, it is that word “honour” that in a strange kind of way chimes with me. I never thought I’d say this but … despite the fact that I still believe Webroot offers the best malware protection out there, I nevertheless find myself questioning whether I feel comfortable continuing with Webroot as my AV. There are several factors that are pushing me to question my loyalty. It’s not just the Password Manager issue and in particular the way Webroot has been handling its communications (or, rather, its non-communication) with customers regarding this problem—though certainly their apparent “lack of concern” regarding this issue does trouble me—rather that issue has been one of several issues that seem to be symptoms of a wider attitude and corporate culture that I, like you, find “alarming”.@ wrote:
My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot...The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming.
When WSA was Prevx, in every respect the way they behaved seemed to communicate loudly and clearly that the customer was at the very centre of their whole business outlook. It sadly no longer feels that way.
I hope I shall find opportunities in different ways and through different posts in the near future to illustrate why I feel like this.
I don’t know how all this will play out for me. It may well be that I will continue with Webroot. But I fear that something sacred has been lost. And as a result it may be that, at the end of the day, I will be prepared to make some sacrifices in the area of robustness of protection if I can find another security company that values the customer more than Webroot appears to.
Daniel - Microsoft MVP Consumer Security (2012-2016) Windows 10 Pro x64 for Workstations 22H2 on my Alienware 17R2 and Alienware 17R5 Laptops with Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester for PC & Android Moto G9 Plus OS 11. "Take Them to the Train Station" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- 3 replies
- January 5, 2019
My password manager won't even show up if I go over FF56. It used to autofill and generate passwords. It never works anymore. I get an error if I try to access through my webroot. Secure web for your phone now has black writing on a black background. I spent an hour on the phone with tech support and he said the phone issue isnt' that big a deal and the password manager will be fixed but they have no idea when and that Webroot is an antivrius, not a password manager so he insinuated it's a luxury. I see no end in sight.
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- January 5, 2019
Unfortunately, the end that I'm seeing increasinly in sight looks like BitDefender. No company can keep ignoring their customers' concerns about any part of their product and expect to retain those customers.
BD is more expensive, generally (until you add in the VPN product, which, from Webroot, is pricey), but they seem to have sensed blood in the water here, because their current offer is aggressively competitive with Webroot.
BD is more expensive, generally (until you add in the VPN product, which, from Webroot, is pricey), but they seem to have sensed blood in the water here, because their current offer is aggressively competitive with Webroot.
1 person likes this
- New Voice
- 39 replies
- January 5, 2019
Remember when they discontinued the very useful Windows Washer and substituted it with a tool that you have no control over as to what it's cleaning? That was a Webroot mistake too.
- 1122 replies
- January 5, 2019
If you are saying in the above not only where you personally are headed in terms of your cybersecurity protection but where you think Webroot is headed as a company, I think that's a bit extreme. Webroot's core product, its AV engine, is just too d*mn good for the whole company to go down as a result of its problems with its Password Manager.@ wrote:
Unfortunately, the end that I'm seeing increasinly in sight looks like BitDefender. No company can keep ignoring their customers' concerns about any part of their product and expect to retain those customers.
However, I do think that this (almost never-ending :() Password Manager incident is symptomatic of a deeper malaise, one that I've been grousing about for some time: the problem of the general mediocrity (indeed, in some cases not even fit for purpose :@) of all those bits that I call its "bells and whistles" (System Optimizer excepted!). With this incident, the chickens have well and truly come home to roost.
When eventually Webroot comes out with its new Password Manager (which I am very much hoping will be the beginning of the reversal of this pattern :8), it would be interesting if we were ever allowed to see the statistics of how many people had abandoned Webroot as a result of that sad fiasco. Interesting also, if Webroot decides not to be totally generous in offering discounts/partial reimbursements to those who have had to put up with an only partially functioning suite, to see how many will go on to subsequently abandon their product.
If that is a fair and accurate summary of the Support technician's words, then I believe it betrays an incoherence in Webroot's policies.@ wrote:
Secure web for your phone now has black writing on a black background. I spent an hour on the phone with tech support and he said the phone issue isnt' that big a deal and the password manager will be fixed but they have no idea when and that Webroot is an antivrius, not a password manager so he insinuated it's a luxury.
On the one hand, they market their products in such a way as to say that their Antivirus product is the basic version, but the Internet Security Plus and the Internet Security Complete suites are the more complete and superior versions. On the other hand, they are saying "Webroot is an antivirus" and the rest is "not a big deal" or "a luxury".
- 3 replies
- January 5, 2019
That's what the guy said word for word. I told him I was out and needed Secure web and he said it's a design flaw that they put black on black. He said he'll send an email but not to expect it to be a priority and as far as password manager since it's unusable for me, becasuse of that errror he downloaded a CSV and told me to use that until the unknown time password manager is fixed. Will not give an approx ETA...

- New Member
- 4 replies
- January 16, 2019
So, now that the "new community" is up and running... any chance somebody will fix the damn password manager plugin?
6-8 WEEKS is a stupid long period of time to wait.
And IDK about the rest of you, but when I was offered help "retrieving my passwords" from the online portal, I really just wanted to point out that if I'm moving all my passwords OUT, I'm moving them to DIFFERENT SOFTWARE, too. And not coming back...
6-8 WEEKS is a stupid long period of time to wait.
And IDK about the rest of you, but when I was offered help "retrieving my passwords" from the online portal, I really just wanted to point out that if I'm moving all my passwords OUT, I'm moving them to DIFFERENT SOFTWARE, too. And not coming back...

- New Member
- 3 replies
- February 7, 2019
I'm just curious if there has been any new feedback. We are nearing the middle of February. I'm fine with another delay, but I would like some transparency. Thanks!
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